I am creating that better world, hope you enjoy! Nothing. "Let's go, Pam, I'm sure Halpert here has a hot date waiting for him, right?" Roy laughed derisively, catching hold of Pam by the wrist. With the ongoing thre. Summary: Jim cheated on Pam. Which is why she was so confused at this sudden, seemingly overnight, shift in Karens mood whereby she seemed not distant towards her, not even unpleasant, but definitely more guarded. Those feelings were real; still were very real. But that evening after the party was over, driving back to fancy new apartment (the first place shed ever had completely on her own) Pam really, truly got what Jim saw in her. starting with Jims side of the story leading up to the original ending, and then following Jim and Pam, their kids, and their life in Paris. Pam humours him for a minute, shrugging but with a look of pride. erc901, emirc2363 and 8 others like this. Boring, maybe; eventful in all the wrong ways, maybe. with bits of pam-centric as a treat He can't sleep once he gets home, sprawling out on the couch and flicking through late night TV, instead. Thanks for asking though she smiled. And then that pinkie contract (that heunknowingly violates)! What had started as a nagging tickle at the back of her throat all day yesterday that no amount of tea could manage to quash, had gradually over the course of the evening blossomed into what was undoubtedly the beginning of a cold, no matter how much she wanted to deny it to herself (proving to be swiftly impossible when shed sneezed no less than, Pam gravitated towards a chair at the end of a row that didnt have anyone already sat in it and gingerly produced one of her hidden tissues, her nose already proving problematic and starting to drip. A heartbroken Pam meets a heartbroken Dwight. I dont know? Look it up., Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, but like. One door was closed. Karens getting a taste of life in the Scranton branch ecosystem with them gone. As soon as the words left his lips he already knew what her response was going to be, fear and apology briefly flashing in her eyes in equal measure. Betsy got up on her tiptoes and gathered him up into a hug. Pam looked and acted like a timid receptionist. Feel overwhelmed with emotion as spicy hunk Dwight Schrute sweeps you off your feet! God, she sounded sick. They quickly return to what she assumes is the closing of a sale, and so Pam forces her (visual) attention back to her riveting, formerly abandoned game of solitaire.. Learn how your comment data is processed. I really appreciate it. "Wouldn't want to find out how being staked feels." Michael bursts into giggles. So that would be around the time you had your nose broken by a basketball to the face those two separate times?. I was kidding. "No, he didn't." (Uploaded by Punk, from iamsab. Pam Beesly/Ryan Howard - Works | Archive of Our Own Gee, that sure sounds like a you problem, and ndot a mbe one. The room was tense for a couple of beats, and maybe a little stunned. At least he had the freedom of knowing that for sure now, having been shot down not once but, The next few days he couldnt shake this ever-present, bone-weary. She submits to happily, the incredulous expression melting away in the happiness of the moment. At least it was, Getting caught by her red-handed during Michaels day of supposed conflict resolution was the final straw though. Never wants to be that guy. He chuckles, delightfully caught off-guard that shed remembered him telling her about both instances. The Office: When Pam Met Jim By: Donnamour1969 My AU version of Pam and Jim's first meeting. Her eyes glance up towards his face, shining with mirth as they catch his own. The update was lovely and so excited to hear of more caretaking fluff in the future. Moving on up in life. Jim and the snowball war. She pulled her cardigan closer to her body, having felt uncomfortably chilled ever since taking her coat off at the start of the day. He's so clearly still in love with her and it's honestly just as painful to read this as it is to watch this moment unfold in the show. A lot has changed at Scranton since the merger with Stamford. He clears his throat and sniffles, trying to recover quickly but with a certain degree of nonchalance. Sounds nice Pam teases Which do you actually wanna do?. as well as Just bored, wanted to fuck. In the years since they'd met he'd noticed a whole lot about her. My wheelhouses are Jim-centric and angst but Im willing to try anything. He's sitting there sad and believing h i loved you as a best friend, and i still love you. Who just sneezed? asked Dwight scanning the room. You are, but don't worry, well make it much worse at my place.. So assertive, and so sure of herself. She looks briefly disgusted, quickly followed by disbelief, and he follows her eyes as they flit down towards the cup of orange juice sat by her keyboard. "Can you please go away now. It had been a long journey getting here, now was the time to just savour and enjoy it. She glanced up from her desk in a quiet moment once the office settled into its usual humdrum, eyes settling in their usual spot on the back of Jims neck. I can't wait until we all finally get the full caretaking we all so desperately want and had to wait 3 long seasons for, lol. One that was lucky enough to have her? So assertive, and so sure of herself. Are you okay. So can i put you down for 50 reams? Jim asks sitting at his desk holding the phone to his ear and staring intently at his computer. Packer Does The Office Pt. 1 - StoriesFromTheTV - The Office (US She didnt know what exactly he did, or why he needed it, but she was his mom and he was hurting so blatantly it bled into herself a little, so she couldnt not try. The one with the dark makeup, the little skirt, and the needles in her purse. Pam finds herself between a rock and a hard place; Rather, she gets fucked by Jim against a vending machine. the office fanfiction jim saves pam Apparently not many because the best he could get was a pile of fast food napkins from the 7-Eleven nacho cheese stand. # 2. As always, thank-you so much for any and all feedback you guys leave, it really does motivate me to keep this thing pushin, lol. and there she was, kelly, the sweetest girl he'd ever known, at the Design a site like this with WordPress.com. Summary: Kelly loves Ryan. Pam remembered the day she was born a few years ago and Jim got the text about it at work. The sensation made him jump a little, and she rubbed the spot with a sad smile. Work Search: Yeah, Michael, what if she wanted to sell them to someone who needed them. Throw in what happened at Beach Day and it really didnt take a genius to put two and two together. Everyone in her art class seemed to be sick at the moment, but nobody wanted to sacrifice valuable class time with their first exhibition coming up next month, so it was easily making its way around everybody. Pam's Request Chapter 2, an office fanfic | FanFiction His eyes follow Pam as she leaves, and hes infinitely glad he does when she turns back around just as she reaches the doorframe, one more silent note of communication passing between them in her small, bitten-back smile. Im so sorry, truly, I-I didnt know. I love it and I just want more Lots lots more, lol. I'm assuming they eventually get together because now, thanks to this fic, I need them to get together. I couldnt help it. Giving into an urge, Jim reaches out and tucks an errant lock of hair behind her ear. I dont even like Girl Scout Cookies., View all posts by Representing Adolescence, Hey Aggie! She looked like she was just holding it together; her nose, shiny and red, buried in a handful of tissues and the corners of her eyes damp from the overspilling of irritated tears. Takes part sometime after 3x23 The Job but before 4x01 Fun Run. Jim go home or you're fired," Dwight said and started packing up Jim's stuff.You cant fire me!Michael! Jim go home or i have to fire you! Michael repeated what Dwight threatened Jim a few seconds earlier. Collection of one-shots. Which is what that gripe hed had to Toby in a moment of weakness was, in hindsight, heavily indicating towards happening and it frightened Jim to the core. But as shed determinedly reasserted to Jim after he did get around to broaching the subject of Karen with her, they were friends. Like some sort of mind reader, Jim must sense she was about to speak up, because he jumps in quickly with I gotta ask - how did you get that coffee machine working on the first attempt, with no instructions? he tries to play it off with a joke. Toby Flenderson (Paul Lieberstein) and Michael Scott (Steve Carell) fire Roy, and a grateful Jim tries to show his . Leaving no room for 'could have been's or 'maybe if's. It had already been getting kind of late, but in an impulsive moment that in the moment felt sort of like taking a running jump off a cliffs edge, she blurted out if he wanted to stay awhile and maybe watch a movie. We need to show these little bitches who the boss is around this town, trying out some sort of country twang. Then, I look at Pam again, remembering how we stayed up all night trying to get CeCe to stop taking Phillips Fubby (an old teddy bear that Phyllis had gifted Philip on his second birthday). We should be able to get that s-shhipmbent out. Rated T/M for some adult content. Jim takes the corporate job as his and Karens lives are about to change. These three things are distinctly related. season 1/2/3 a redo of the booze cruise ( s2 e11 ) Jim sets his eyes on someone else after the heart breaking events and regrets from the first booze cruise. Im glad you asked Jimmy! The first time hes called me that in a while, I just stumbled by this cute little wagon and thought, wouldnt it be great if my team added a box of cookies in every purchase of 10 standard reams of paper? It was nice to see him smile, he barely had done all day, even if the moment of reprieve was quickly interrupted by his cold. By the time he gotto Jimnew apartment he just barely had the energy to haphazardly throw his boxes into a rough pile in the living room, briefly call his mom to let her know hed got there okay, then drag out a blanket and a pillow from the bottom of one of the boxes and collapse on the couch. Jim Halpert and Melissa Ford have been best friends since he started at Dunder Mifflin in 1999. What could've happened if Dwight and Angela had broken up around the same time Jim and Karen started dating. And he never has been able to refuse her anything, so why start now? Sounds kind of cool, ********************************************************************. AU. The basic premise of this little multi-part thing is "chronicling the jim/pam saga via vignettes, one per season, where one or the other is sick in each and how what's going on in each season affects how they interact with each other". I love the setting of this one too, right after all the crush drama, so Pam is thought-spiraling and reading into everything and trying to stop herself from reading into everything. Plus theres something about Jim interrupting his phone call to sneeze and then laughing apologetically about it with a customer thats pushing all my buttons. She reached for a couple of tissues from the box on the counter and handed them over once he was done, clicking her tongue in sympathy. Also - I have to say I personally loved this comment lol. . Chapter 18 is a sneak peek. He shoots him dirty looks when he walks in on him leaning over Pams desk, chatting before they head out. He smiles to himself at the feeling, and knocks the pill back quickly with a mouthful of the oh-so-considerately prepared coffee so that he could pull her in closer to his side. The way Michael had reacted from there highly indicated towards the former and Pam was admittedly thrown for a loop. I've watched the show all the way through a number of times that's embarrassing, and this fic has made me question whether or not we actually find out when Jim decides to leave, because it makes so much sense it's after he's forced to confess to her that he was the one tocomplain about her to Toby. Hes in deep, so much deeper than he realized, and he maybe sort of understands why Halpert fucked off to Connecticut. Thanks so much for sticking with the story, and there should be a lot more caretaking fluff going forward from here. You know what, Michael, this is an excellent idea, I said. Im going to make some tea, do you want a cup?. Just makes things worse she says, shaking her head. He hadnt ended up bothering to definitively check the pollen count after all, because who needed it when he had a pretty obvious, built-in indicator, right? Pam is a young widow, but lacks the courage to move on-until a cute young salesman joins Dunder Mifflin. Where am I supposed to get soup around here?. JIM! That it wasnt good for anybody - him, or well anybody. I hear the preacher say speak now or forever hold your piece. Lets go!. After accidentally giving Kelly the wrong signals, she kisses him. Shes not snooping, but shed be lying if she said she didnt find some enjoyment in picking out little pieces of Jims life, and his personality, dotted around the space. New conflict will arise, new stories will be told, and new perspectives explored. Unshed tears burn at the back of his throat that prove like sandpaper to swallow against. Beesly, do you honestly think I would kiss you if I thought I was getting sick?. The rough, deeply masculine sound cuts harshly through the monotonous din of the environment around them, like throwing a rock into an utterly still body of water. Between two recent arrivals, brewing unrest, and the struggles of post-apocalyptic existence, life is a far cry from what it once was. He wasnt quite sure how or why it happened. Hey Pammy, you awake? Roy asked cautiously, half under his breath. What about those REM cycles, but at the same time was already scanning through the stack of DVDs on her bookshelf. This is a fanfiction for the Office. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. But for some reason being thanked so sincerely by Karen for helping them over a bump in their relationship just touched a nerve Pam wasnt fully aware was still so raw. Imagine the face of the customers when they receive 50 reams of paper. Things they had no way of being able to know before within the confines of platonic friendship conducted predominantly between the hours of 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. The Office ignores him, as usual. Everything had started with his hot head and his stabbing headache that woke him up way to early.It hasn't gotten any better since then. For someone as awesome as Jim, she felt lucky to have even that much. They fall into an extended beat of silence, one that was comfortable, but slightly charged with something distinctly unsaid. We can go inside. What's the big deal? That it wasnt good for anybody - him, or well, Maybe they could salvage some sort of friendship if he wasnt around every day to watch her being, Now, back in the present though, the air around them in the empty bullpen is heavy with tension and a weird sort of relief that every was laid out and fully aired in the open. Also the image of Jim bundled up in a scarf and layers, shiveringin traffic and sneezing his head off is probably not going to leave my head for the forseeable future. A promotion, actually. Jim took a deep breath and let it out slowly, and Betsy can see his momentary deliberation, before painfully swallowing back the lump in his throat. Pam's fiance appeared, rather ungracefully, swaggering over to the reception desk and playfully punching Jim in the arm. Trying to reconcile a Jim who looked physically unchanged from how he appeared at the start of the day but existed in her mind in a totally new light. How much had Jim told her about them and what had happened last year? Did you want to do that now? Your feedback and encouragement is always valued and very much appreciated. shit. Pam thinks for a second, spearing a piece of banana with her fork. Which shes aware could seem hard to believe given all the ridiculousness the documentary crew mustve picked up by this point. At lunch the other day hed even called her Beesly again for the first time since getting back, in that silly, affectionate way that always made her feel a little bit special. But at least back then shed at least been his friend and been privy to that information as things were developing. Ripping Angelas poster down in retaliation, the way shed masterfully bargained down the price of the rental on that industrial drinks dispenser, No; I dont think were going far enough. Defeated Jim gathered his things and headed towards Pam, who was holding his coat.Hescheww! As much as I love the Jim and Pam will they/wont they pining, angsty era with lots of juicy character growth and different dynamics and motivations to delve into, their S4-S6 honeymoon era is unapologetically my sweet spot. They spent most of their free time together, but still hadnt really had the boyfriend/girlfriend talk yet. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (162), Pam Beesly/Jim Halpert/Dwight Schrute (19), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (39), A Snippet Of What It's Like To Do What You Want, Sometimes, Skillet With Cheese (Store #201, Scranton, PA, 2005), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, ryan and kelly are truly mlm/wlw solidarity, takes place before throughout and after canon, ryan is in a constant state of mental anguish. So yeah, Jim noticed things. Jim and Dwight getting on with work at their respective desks and just generally leaving each other alone? The Office: When Pam Met Jim Chapter 1, an office fanfic - FanFiction.Net Was he miming having a seizure? Karens arm was looped loosely around Jims and she was holding his bicep. His throat was on fire and his stomach rolled over several times. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, "He knows my favorite yogurt flavor. Now be honest with me, Jimmy she broachesseriously, voice dripping in that 'meaningful mom' toneIs everything okay? Was he miming having a seizure? If you have any suggestions, feel free to write them in the comments and ill write it. GOOD MORNING, SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA, Michael announced with his same pushed, happy snarl walking into the Office with a toy red wagon tugging along behind him. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Realising that theyre both in similar situations, Pam and Dwight find solace in each other. "i'm not gonna fucking tell you how to kiss someone, jim, that sounds like the most awkward thing in the world that probably wouldn't even help you." She pauses for an extra long second in front of the fridge, looking at the picture of Jim and his brothers with one of his little newborn nieces or nephews, a warm smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Jim and Pam, All or Nothing, an office fanfic | FanFiction Michael was screaming. Hed said it more in resignation than actual disbelief or hope, the final word of a drowning man before he accepted his fate. Both of these are so well-written and I absolutely love your writing style. Mission accomplished. It was never far from her mind though, try as she might to ignore it. See the opportunity as it arises, I guess. Betsy considered him for a second. As taken aback as he was, Jim agreed; lured by the continuation of this prospect of evolution and growth, and a clearer path to getting over Pam (and stop pathetically pining after a girl who likely didnt see him as anything more than a friend) than he had without someone who he felt he could grow to love to guide him and dangle the proverbial carrot. The falter in Jims voice immediately calls her attention upwards, and she watches with sympathy as he stutters out a hurried, but watery sorry,excusembe- before slamming his palm over the mouthpiece of his phone and ducking into the crook of his elbow. Just One Desk Over: Jim Halpert (D. by Freddie is my Queen. Jim and Pam - "How to save a life" added by bwright. I have no idea what youre talking about she retorts, managing a small smile for him that makes him glad hed chosen the casual, comedic route. When he finished one of her sentences, or picked her brain about anything from her art, to movies, to literature, genuinely interested in what she had to say. Pam, Dwight and company scramble to uncover what happened to Jim, while Jim engages in mind games with his reluctant but unstable captor in hopes of being found alive. Hes fine, and shes teasing, but her doubt is just making him overthink it. Please consider turning it on! In a better world, Michael would still be manager and the office would be going on today. can she overcome her past demons and find happiness, or is it just not meant to be? Work Search: While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She looks on (not staring - definitely not staring) as he hangs on a wavering breath, cherry-red nose flushed from the irritation of constant attention twitching as his expression reads as unsure. Jim is passed out the whole time Pam p.o.v. He makes a subtle eh gesture. It was scheduled for this Saturday and Jim had gotten an invite, Pam hadnt. She nods at from behind her screen. Jim H: Alright, all I can say is, pack up your stuff. **************************************************************. The next few days he couldnt shake this ever-present, bone-weary tiredness. love (M/n) is trans and has been on T for about a year and is waiting for top surgery. He probably should have just taken a sick day, he used them sparingly enough that it really wouldnt have been an issue. The look on her face made his heart sink into his stomach, the stoic, rigid blankness that had settled there curdling in his stomach like sour milk and making him feel sick. This series is turning into a real labour of love (nearly 12,000words so far eep)but Im actually quite proud of myself that Ive stuck to updating it and Ive committed myself to finishing it. I would also just like to say a huge thank-you if you've left a comment or any feedback/support, it's been so so encouraging and you're all beyond lovely. To be fair to the people I played basketball with back then though, it is pretty hard to miss. Look at that, Halpert is stepping up to the plate for once. Unfortunately, Jim's love was unrequited as she was engaged to Roy,. Of course, Im faking. Shed honestly tried so hard to avoid it, knowing shed inevitably get the blame for bringing it to the office and all the unwanted attention that it would bring onto her. It wouldnt matter if they were. Besides Jim. For example, like how Jim has habitual sneezing fits first thing in the morning when he wakes up. I look up, Ive been so focused on my prank that I didnt even notice that Pam has slipped away. So yeah, they were all on good terms. Pam, I insist, you clearly need this more than anybody else right now - coooome on!. There were sounds coming from inside. Its Saturday), Pam eventually manages to untangle herself from his sleepy hold and pull herself out of bed, despite his groan of disapproval. Youre not lookin too good, man. For the most part though hes disappointed but not surprised. AKA the Heartstopper/The Office/Chili's crack fic you KNEW was gonna happen eventually. A closer look at Pams journey through the years. She checks her watch, heaving out a sigh as she raises her eyes to her reflection in the mirror. Mark shot him anxious looks when they met around the house, asked him how he was doing on a couple of occasions and offered to talk about whatever was eating at him. A heartbroken Pam meets a heartbroken Dwight. Next time Id say the possibility of a burst blood vessel isnt worth it. Jim notices Pams bag on the floor under the desk, and her coat on the wrack; so she must be around here somewhere. I recently began rewatching The Office again as well and always get warm fuzzies from Jim and Pam. He reaches over the top of the desk and picks up the glass, holding it out for her. With everything that had happened between Pam and Jim it was almost impossible not to give into the nagging, pathetic urge to compare herself to Karen, no matter how destined she was to lose and come away feeling worse about herself every time. Something has changed in the way Jim views Ryan after the test store incident, and he really wishes he could get a grip on his mouth. She lived with another woman her age and a long haired Persian with only one eye. There were short breaths coming from inside. I love how much emphasis you put into the Pam and Karen friendship. And by the time it was over it really was too late to expect him to leave and drive home, especially with the wine theyd had at dinner and the couple of leftover beers theyd had out of her fridge. One that made her feel small, unworthy and inadequate. Michael is fast asleep behind his desk. No idea he states genuinely, before meeting her as she moves upwards to kiss him, coffee and the earlier nagging uncertainty briefly forgotten as his hand finds her cheek effortlessly. Ryan takes his desk. If Michael or Dwight said something inappropriate or borderline sociopathic, they knew that at the very least Jim would notice the wrongness of it all. It felt good. The whole idea of a quiet, sleepy day the office that makes it easy for Pam to dwell on her thoughts and makes itall the more obvious Jim isn't feeling well is perfect. He shoots him dirty looks when he walks in on him leaning over Pams desk, chatting before they head out. As he turns his back to absorb the information Ive written, I sprint off, pulling the wagon, rush out the door, and escape in the elevator. Maybe it was the bright smile that greeted him. the office fanfiction jim saves pam I haven't got a whole load to say about this chapter, but timeline-wise its set post-merger, in the interim betweenThe Return (3x13) andBen Franklin (3x14). I wouldn't complain if Jim caught it from her. It was only really easy when Jim wasnt there though, when Pam could briefly pretend he wasnt part of this messed up equation and that she didnt still yearn for the closeness theyd once had. The way she looked so goddamn beautiful in that silken blue dress, how shed beamed at him whilst they played their little cat and mouse game of bluffing, the loaded nature of their conversation as she played him for what would turn out to be his last hand; and all with the oncoming transfer to Stamford secretly looming over his head like a guillotine. Hey, can I talk to you about something?, About when you want to give me more of your money?. Restrictive. Youre probably going to want to keep your distance for today, Im super gross and probably super contagious right now. To be fair to the people I played basketball with back then though, it, Jim shrugs, but couldnt help but smile at how offended she sounded on his behalf. But no he wouldve felt it coming on. It is getting to be allergy season and all he replied, dread sinking in at the possibility of him being sick whilst moving states and starting a new job on Monday. Pam whispered into Jim's ear as she got up and walked out. I want soup too, then. He really didnt think he was, truly, but the more she made him say it the more he felt the urge to question himself. Besides the obvious reasons why her stomach may have sunk at the realisation, what hit her harder than expected was the realisation that she truly didnt know what was going on in Jims life anymore, and hadnt for the last few months. Though he would never admit it, but Dwight was right he wasn't feeling well. This video shows the roller-coaster relationship between Pam and Jim of The Office. That didnt mean they werent going to still bold-facedly deny it, though. And, yay, the little teaser of caretaking at the end!! He couldnt deny the fledgling hope they might always retain even a little bit of this feeling. The Bet Chapter 1: Pilot, an office fanfic | FanFiction A closer look at Pams journey through the years. Hed had girlfriends before, like Katy last year, and Pam could admit to herself now that shed wanted him back then as well. Like always. a post casino night AU where Pam left Scranton at the same time as Jim. Maybe riding home with Ryan wasn't a good idea after all. it seems really quiet in here.". No way. Work Search: is. They just didnt, With everything that had happened between Pam and Jim it was almost impossible not to give into the nagging, pathetic urge to compare herself to Karen, no matter how destined she was to lose and come away feeling worse about herself every time. the series of mistakes Set during Season 8, Episode 16 "After Hours." Can he find his killer, quench his newfound insatiable thirst for blood, all while maintaining his position as paper salesman at a mid-sized office supply company? The Office Fanfic Because comparatively Karen was flawlessly beautiful, in a way that seemed effortlessly natural and was always put together. I think theres a new , Is it weird that 36 hours feels like a long time to be without someone? Trust me, I have been as well! In between all the giggling and party-planning and set-up it had struck Pam, in both a sort of sad but mostly admiring kind of way, that Karen was someone Pam wished she was more like.
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