He gets angry at Damon saying, "What did you do to me?" They open it to find a dead body of a man inside meaning Stefan is out and is hungry. Stefan's car is a red 1963 Porsche 356B Karmann Coupe. Bonnie is talking with Enzo about their last hope lost, Bonnie looks behind Enzo and sees Stefan standing there, Enzo also turns around, but sees nothing, she says his name and Enzo is surprised by that, Bonnie can't believe what is happening and she approaches to Stefan's ghost, Stefan begs her to tell him that she has figured out a way to bring them all back but Bonnie tells him that she lost it, Stefan is sad for this and then he touches her shoulders and passes through her to the other side. To calm her down, Stefan tells her the story of when his mum got sick. Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries | CharacTour However, Alaric angrily tells him how he forgot Damon first as he gave up searching on him and sends him away. In reference to Alaric, Elena tells Stefan that she wasn't planning on giving up on either of them. Once Caroline has taken the bullet out of Tyler, Stefan tells Elena that he is going to find Damon. Still in Chicago with Klaus and Rebekah at the start of Disturbing Behavior, Katherine signals to Stefan (who is in a clothing store) that she wants to talk with him. "Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?". After a dangerous situation in which Jenna, Elena's aunt, stabs herself after being compelled by Katherine, Stefan and Elena realize that it was a mistake not listening to Katherine and allowing themselves to challenge her, and decide to break up, despite their affection and deep love for each other. On the show, Stefan is born in America and is therefore, Italian-American and has no Italian accent. Julian however tried to stop their growing friendship and even romance, but they eventually have sex for the first time. Stefan tells Elena that he wishes that he could promise that everything would be okay, that he could save her from craving blood and a heightened sense of pain, but unfortunately, being a vampire will be all those things. She then explained that he felt nothing because he had managed to turn off the part that makes him feel, the human part of him; that in spite of the intensified pain and suffering vampires feel, love is what makes life worth living. After Lexi disappears, Stefan asks Elena if she's given up, but Elena says no, but Stefan couldn't either, because he would lose her if he did, she would not love a ghost. In Bringing Out The Dead, Stefan makes sure that the fourth coffin is safe and wants Bonnie and her mom to open it. When Stefan asks to Damon about this Enzo arrives and says that it was his idea, he also talks to Stefan about their intentions to kill Dr. Wes. She flips the car in reverse and hits the petal. Stefan reminds that the last time a witch linked to him to his doppelgnger, she fried his brain and he lost his memory, Sloan replied that they will be careful. Stefan had the typical weaknesses of a non-Original vampire. Matt comes in and says that they tracked Rayna and that it is a little late to turn back. Stefan responds that this is the second time Damon had tried to kill Jeremy so nobody's perfect, to which Elena asks him if he's trying to punish her, because she doesn't know how many times she can apologize. At the end of the fourth season, Stefan ends up heartbroken when the sire bond is broken and Elena still decided to choose Damon over him. He had a moment of weakness, that is his thing-like them falling for the same girl-that was their thing. Back at the boarding house, Stefan is pouring drinks when Rebekah arrives, having been summoned. Rayna is in the chair across from him, telling him that she is exhausted. Stefan asks he what's wrong after she pushes him away, and they see that the veins in Elena's arms pulsate and look inflamed. Stefan finds Enzo who is about to stake Elena, they start fighting and moving away from the place. She is still suspicious, so he dangles the offer to talk Matt into giving her another chance, and finally Rebekah gives in. Later he is talking to Katherine (appearing to be Elena), and reveals to her that he used to hope that Damon would mess up with her so badly that she would give up on him, but then he started to like the person he begun to be and says he doesn't want to lose this person. They talk and Stefan says that this wasn't the right way, that this was a mistake, but Damon says that it was the only for her to survive. When Stefan regains consciousness a second time, before Damon can make something Stefan attacks him, breaking his neck, Silas is kneeling in pain and Qetsiyah is worried about him because she thinks he's Stefan but Stefan arrives then where they are and reveals to Qetsiyah that she has been deceived, Stefan also regains his daylight ring. In the novels, Stefan is Damon's moral, benevolent younger brother. However, on the show, Stefan and Damon were best friends since their human lives and became rivals later on. Damon swore to avenge all of Stefan's murders. Stefan puts a jacket on her and while they talk, the house starts to rumble and he is then yanked backward by an invisible force and flies out of the house through the nearby window. Stefan seems to love literature by William Shakespeare. Trapped inside the room Stefan realizes something. He was in Chicago with Lexi at a Bon Jovi concert, which unbeknownst to them was Katherine watching them from afar. Stefan is assumed to be the 4th doppelgnger of Silas, although it is possible that there have been many more of Silas' doppelgngers that preceded him, according to Qetsiyah who said that Stefan had other shadow selves of Silas that were born before him. Some time later Caroline and Stefan are still 'hostages' in the Lockwood Cellar and Stefan answers the phone, it's Damon who tells him something unheard. Stefan keeps quiet. On vampire watch duty, Jo and Alaric discuss their upcoming wedding, then Elena interrupts their makeout session to say she vampire-proofed the B&B. They take a ride on Stefan's motorcycle on a deserted country road; Elena stands up on the bike and laughs, reveling in the sensation, and Stefan smiles. Stefan and Damon's past is revealed in a flashback to 1864, where they both fell in love with a woman named Katherine Pierce who looked exactly like Elena. Stefan mentions that he will turn his back on everything to make sure Elena is safe. However, not too long afterwards he began to display remorse for the horrible person he at some point seemed to be, openly calling himself a monster and admitting that he even scared himself once he nearly killed a innocent girl while thinking he could handle it. He admitted that Katherine had been right and that he had to focus more on moving on from Elena than his 3 months drowning during the summer. Whilst still at the Grill sometime later, he answers the phone to an unknown caller, revealed as a now un-daggered Rebekah who says she has Elena hostage at the school and expects to see him there soon. She then dies. It was there that Stefan saw Damon for the first time in almost fifty years. Matt ask what's going on and Stefan says The spell unravels the witch magic and that it's spreading and without the magic, that he is just someone who was shot by his dad, Matt tells them to lets keep running. He frees Damon and pushes him to keep going but the elder Salvatore refuses to go, saying that he needs a minute and that he'll just slow them down. Stefan agrees to it and lets Matt take Elena. They leave, but then a girl they compelled comes into the apartment with a note telling them that for every hour that Oscar is not returned, a Whitmore student will die. In the same moment Elena appears behind them and says that she's not in denial, but she thinks that Jeremy has no longer his tattoo which probably means that he has fulfilled his supernatural destiny and maybe he's back to normal. Stefan sits forward, realizing what he feels for her is true. Stefan then told his father that he had not fully turned into a vampire yet and that he was choosing to let himself die instead of drinking human blood. He calls him Marty and shows him the driving licence from Marty's wallet. Stefan, now can enter the house and save Damon just in time. Then, Jamie came to protect Elena but Stefan compels him to leave. Biographical information He says that Jeremy's body is starting to decompose and that they should get Meredith over here too. He asks her out about the man that was looking for them, but she give him a straight answer. He agrees at the last moment. Stefan also had straight teeth with a heartwarming smile. She says that she thinks Damon was right, she doesn't even deserve to be loved. Anywhere," that he's to slit her carotid artery. Matt shows up and just when they are going to let Sarah go, Enzo comes back. They actually may know him-he's an original brother with impeccable taste. He is able to learn new languages at an increased speed and adjust to the American customs rather quickly, so much so that his Italian accent becomes less strong. After they have completely filled a pot each, their wounds begin to heal and they are released. That's probably why she stole the cure-she wants to bargain it for her freedom. Katherine is drunk, feeling hopeless about the fact that she is dying. He continues, showing her a real memory of him and her mom. Stefan has been with Valerie romantically for three years, and it is stated that they have been happy together. Valerie is trying to help him as he tells her his chest hurts. When it's clear she's not going to stop, he snaps her neck. She tries to calm Stefan but he asks if she has bags of blood, she says that she has some in the car but then Stefan disappears. At the end of the episode they show Stefan as he is about to bury Silas. Elena fatefully meets Stefan for the first time at the beginning of the new school year outside of the men's washroom. Matt approaches them about leaving but Sarah covers and the two take off. He tells Elena that the best thing for them to do is to go to their graduation and with Jeremy thinking the same thing, they go to their graduation. She says that she probably deserves it. Driving home and wanting a snack, Caroline deliberately gets pulled over, but by none other than Sheriff Forbes. It is there that Stefan confesses his regrets about Elena not feeding in order to complete her transition. She mentions that he cares about killing Klaus more than anything and Stefan says she's not wrong, though he has a conflicted look in his expression. In Graduation, Stefan is partying with Lexi (while drunk) and he is told by Damon that something must have gone wrong and the veil to the other side must be down as Lexi, Alaric and Jeremy are all back. He gives everyone a raging migraine and shatters the windows, knocking Elena out cold. Elena, distracted by the bomb blast, looks up to find Jeremy; Connor takes advantage and overpowers her. Stefan rushes over and manages to push him off of her. While Stefan is headed to one of the possible spots for the massacre he speaks with his brother on the phone and explains him what's going on. She didn't even open it, she just said yes. After that Stefan calls Klaus to come to the Salvatore boarding house where the original hybrid meets with Caroline and starts pissing her off. Out of all the characters in The Vampire Diaries universe, Stefan has been most heavily featured. Both of them hug tightly while crying with joy. They later marry hoping to lure Katherine out, at their wedding who had become the Queen of Hell following Cade's death. Caroline says that they can't think about that right now. When Stefan was a human, although he and Damon were very close, Stefan always had an independent personality. Stefan quickly realizes who it is and immediately throws her over the couch. Elijah wants to talk with his sister but Stefan says that she's not with him and that everything will be ok as long as Katherine hands over the cure. Stefan tried to get Katherine to spill why she was there, ignoring her flirting. Then Rebekah and Damon start looking for the cure themselves as Katherine doesn't say where it is. Stefan had also briefly displayed much more dismissive and almost callous behavior towards the victims he had supposedly murdered in the past since he was unable to feel sorry for things he couldn't remember. In The End of the Affair, it is revealed that Stefan use to be a lover of Rebekah, an original vampire and Klaus' sister. For parties, there's a lot of talk about life. Later, Stefan helps remove peculiar wooden bullets from Tyler's chest. As Elena and Stefan start falling deeper in love with each other, Elena discovers Stefan's deep, dark secret: Stefan is a century old vampire with a mysterious past. Stefan takes Caroline back to her dorm as they continue to make out. Damon is surprised and doesn't know how to react but he says that they could talk about that after they take the cure. He admits that he was searching as a distraction, but eventually he had given up too. In Hell Is Other People, Stefan is seen in many of Damon's hallucinations. Humans don't stand a chance against a vampire. He was also more inclined to bold bluntness and his sense of humor was slightly more sarcastic as well as almost taunting, particularly to Damon and Tessa. Caroline then gets up to say thank you to everyone that came, and then began to sing "Go In Peace". Klaus then asks about Caroline and Stefan says they're going to need more drinks. She responds that if he try's to flip her switch back on they would see a whole other side to her. Alaric bursts in with the ascendant and Damon compels him to forget it ever happened. After heart-to-heart chat, Stefan sees the bear's ear. Stefan tries to stop him but Damon just waves him with which he says that Stefan needs to stay away. It was then that Stefan miraculously saved Elena's life, but was unable to save Elena's parents, Grayson and Miranda, who did not survive the tragedy. Elena responds that she'll have to deal with that when she gets home. In the woods, Stefan senses something and looks around. The Armory has her now. Stefan then goes and helps Caroline pack up her house and then goes and packs up the grill. Elena is saddened and says that she doesn't have anyone anymore. Klaus reminds Stefan that he is too far away to be able to cure anyone should they become infected with the venom, and charges him with finding and catching Connor, keeping him alive in order to use his tattoo. At the rave, Stefan offers Caroline a shot. After Elena rejected Stefan's attempt to kiss her and informed him she was dating his brother, he was thoroughly confused and hurt to know she had not told him beforehand. Elena says that it wasn't that hard because he wants her to get good so badly that he would hear whatever she decides to tell him. After that Elena talks to Stefan and says he shouldn't kill Silas, because witches are not easy to kill and Stefan might die. Stefan was in love with a girl named Callie Gallagher. After Elena filled him in on the no humanity switch, Damon tries and fails to syringe Stefan. In the meantime Caroline manages to find Elena in the woods. As Caroline darts away in another direction, Elena and Stefan run through a hallway, slamming a door and trying to use their collective strength to keep hybrid-Tyler out. Elena, Damon and Alaric later formulate a plan to catch Stefan off guard and lock him up, to try and restore him to his normal self. Stefan also not wanted to come back to life still because Damon and Lexi continue on the other side, as Damon makes it to Bonnie, its too late as Liv and Luke have stopped the spell and left. Damon, immediately suspicious about Klaus' involvement, tries to get Stefan to admit what he seems to not be telling them. Before they leave, Stefan watches Elena do a keg-stand, to the cheers of the party-goers, as a last-ditch effort at irritating Rebekah. Damon says that they won't. Lexi found Stefan, now back to his ripper ways in April 1922 before getting him off human blood around 1935. In the novels, as humans, Stefan and Damon fight to the death with a sword. Stefan told her that he felt emotionally numb, that he felt nothing. Stefan was born on Veritas Estate in Mystic Falls, Virginia. He asks her how they met and Elena leads him to school to relive the moment. Stefan gives her props for trying to pit the against each other. She doesn't want her humanity back if it means Jeremy loses his, but Stefan says it's the only way to 'fix all of this'. Stefan catches her right on the moment which she is about to hit the ground. However, Stefan ends up being confronted by Silas, finally revealing his true form and locks him in a safe underwater. Him and Damon worry after Bonnie shows up with news of Alaric and it is revealed that Elena is missing. He was thinking about killing Damon. Stefan talks to Elena, who that thinks they should do something, but he tells her that Damon is stalling Vaughn as Damon has not had enough time to bury Silas' body yet. She starts to choke Damon with magic but Stefan appears behind her and she stops. The death of a vampire could be counted twice if their human death also appeared in the present or past. In the kitchen, Stefan talks to Matt about the importance of free will. When they walk out of the house only Stefan turns back to see the flames while Damon and Elena keep going. Despite this Stefan ends up making the ultimate sacrifice when Katherine Pierce tries to destroy Mystic Falls with hellfire, killing both of them after he gives Damon the cure so that he can live a happy human life. They have to make plans and lists, they need to make a funeral and think up of a cover story. Stefan later appears and Elena hugs him. When Katherine asks him about what he wanted to say to her, he can't bring himself to ruin her happiness with the bad news about Aaron's death. Then Stefan says that he knows they've been through some bad spots lately especially when it comes down to Elena but he just wanted Damon to know that he cares about him and that he loves him (even though the younger brother doesn't actually say it, that is what he implies) and Damon responds by saying that he knows that. Valerie whispers to Stefan "I will find my way back to you". Stefan then offered her to have dinner with him that night. He is next to the quarry with Elena, and the two are talking about it being a vision. In American Gothic, Stefan and Damon manage to track Damon's car that Elena and Rebekah stole from New York. He has saved her several times and cares about her. When Stefan finds Elena, he and Damon work together to bring down another vampire called Elijah. In We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes, Stefan shows up at the Gilbert House after receiving a call from Damon that Elena had stabbed and killed Jeremy. In Christmas Through Your Eyes, Stefan's hand is forced when he has to be the bearer of devastating news to Caroline. Stefan died when he was 17 years old in human years, he transitioned into a vampire between 7 October and 27 October 1864, just a few weeks shy of his 18th birthday. Caroline says that Klaus should care now because he has killed many supernatural beings including vampires, werewolves and witches. She brings Elena and shows her how to get him to feel something, by torturing him. Stefan and Damon then walk into the Lockwood Mansion and finally asks him if he killed Malcolm. Discovering that the police were using wooden bullets, Stefan realized they knew there were vampires inside. Elena confesses that while she loves Stefan for helping her through her transition, she can't deny her relationship with Damon has intensified since she became a vampire. She says while he was drowning she was having the summer of her life, she got everything she wanted, even Bonnie and she needs to know that he's ok too. He starts provoking them with the idea that Elena's "choice" will shake them up a bit. Stefan tells Monique that he wanted Sarah to have a normal life no matter what. In a flashback to 1863, Stefan is writing in his journal at a fair when he meets Valerie Tulle for the first time. When Stefan was at his best, he was extremely caring, loving, helpful, understanding, selfless, empathetic, and compassionate. Meet Me on the Other Side Chapter 12, a Supernatural + Vampire Diaries He tries to negotiate with Connor, to no avail. The original brother then realizes that Elena is right and Katherine is really lying and using him. Given the degree to which he's tortured him, he thinks Enzo is telling the truth that Mystic Falls doesn't have much of a vampire problem, and that it's moved down to Savannah. After that, they started to make out - dream Elena knocked some mail off the counter, and real Elena broke the glass she was holding. Stefan tells Elena that he wouldn't let Qetsiyah hurt her. Stefan tries to make Damon to change his mind, Damon tells him that he doesn't want to be saved and Stefan should find himself a new hobby and that he feels better 'like' he is. However, Stefan was also on an episode of The Originals, putting his total episode count at 172. This upsets Stefan and he was about to attack his brother, but Elena stopped him. Then, she's convinced that she sees an age spot on her hand, and Stefan tells her it isn't one and holds her hand. Stefan shows little interest in Damon's scheming, and after Damon suggests they blow off steam instead with some brotherly bonding, Stefan laughs and reminds his brother that he knows Damon is probably happy that Elena is now single. Under compulsion, Stefan reveals Elena slept with Damon. Stefan responds that they can't give up on her, because when he was at his worst she didn't give up on him. It has never been revealed or shown if he ever turned someone into a vampire before the series. Later, we see Stefan at the garage working at Damon's Camaro. Caroline interrupts them and tells him that Katherine promised to join her at the shredding station, Stefan is agrees, so she and Katherine leave him alone. Stefan reveals that he can't because he hates himself for what he did to her. With the cure in hand, Enzo leaves, while Stefan moves to sit in the chair, Stefan agrees to helping the Travelers and Caroline see a blade in Sloan's hand and tells her that she said that her weren't going to hurt him, but Sloan say that they need his blood for the spell. Elena realizes this and takes him outside of school. It's about time to accept the person that she is right now and start living the rest of her life. After saying their final goodbyes Stefan finds peace and had a joyful reunion with Lexi.
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