"Biana, I am wearing makeup. #1 in #kotlcfanfiction (7/2/19) If Fitz walked in on Sophie and Keefe kissing. ", "The Moonlark Project," Keefe whispered angrily. He would not lose hope. If Keefe visiting was going to be a regular thing, shed stock up on his favorites. Fitz wasn't sure if she was angry at them or just sad. Book Cover Sophie sees Keefe playing with the Alicorns and says there is a lot of cuteness and Keefe perks up. WHAT DID YOU DO?, Sophie looked at Keefe and sighed. "I'm not here to talk about that." Why did you bring me here? Its color almost matched hers. (Completed). Hey, Foster. For those of you who don't know, I'm almost always writing with non-straight couples, and I wanted to give y'all a taste of that here. He sat under the magnificent plant now, taking a few deep breaths and staring at the ground. She was so relieved, that she started crying. He'd only ever had crushes on girls, and even now, his crush on Sophie Foster was still very prominent. 'It is.' "If you say so, Miss Foster. Ive wanted to do that for a very long time, Keefe said eventually. One little action had messed up his mind. Keefe couldnt believe what he was hearing. Mostly very fluffy, with some angst here and there. Turning his head, the blond boy leapt to his feet, startled to find the real Sophie Foster staring at him with a look of concern. Sophie took a long, shaky breath before whispering, About a week and a half., Keefe slowly sat up and patted a spot on his cot, Come here, Miss F., It took all self-control Sophie had to not run over there. Kiss me one day please<3 Chapter 1: Sophie's POV. "Hey." Sophie wraps her arms around Keefe and Keefe closes the gap, Sophie says kissing Keefe is SO. You know very well that IT WOULD NOT HAVE CHANGED ANYTHING!" Until one day, her guilt wins out. Sophie Foster doesn't remember she's an elf. Linh walked out. How long was I in a coma for? , Keefe asked quietly, almost like he was scared for an answer. You know, so I can brag about it" when she asks him how he knows she will do good, and she smiles and thanks him. He protested, saying he wasnt that dirty, but Sophie shot him a look that sent him trudging down the stairs. Then she pulls him close and down onto the deck, leaning against each other and wrapping her cape around him, warning him if he has to throw up, do NOT turn around. He didn't really know how it got there, nor who left it there, but he had a good guess as to who it was from, as he'd recognized the handwriting of his crush Sophie Foster almost immediately. ", all of which caused his mind to spin and his heart to race. Still surprised, huh? It was obvious he wanted to go nearer, to soak up her warmth, but he wasn't letting himself, and the terrifying picture that pained sent chills down her spine. Book 1: Sophie and Keefe first met after a slight accident in Sophie's alchemy class. But come back another time, okay? Just ask Fitz! He paused for a moment, uncomfortable, then continued. Sophie doesn't know how she is going to live if something happens to Keefe. ", Keefe has dubbed their team as "Team Foster-Keefe.". Sophie filled herself with darkness when she hears that the experimented humans died causing Keefe to scoot closer to her and send more soft glowing breezes to push the darkness away and reminds Sophie to once again breathe from the information she has taken in. "Yeah, don't worry. Then Sophie lowers her voice so. Quick as lightning, he grabbed her wrist and jerked her towards the wall, pinning her with his hands on her throat. Sophie was, actually. Sometimes I forgot how bad it was for you growing up. ,Sophie said, her voice breaking. Her lips were soft. Everyone's already here, we're just hanging out. #fitzvacker 'Keefe, I will never hate you. At least Keefe was stuck doing it with her- no way was she letting him sit there and crack jokes any longer while she worked. Keefe groaned. "Watch yourself, shortie." When Sophie asks Keefe to stay after everyone else leaves he says, "Don't worry Foster, I'm not going anywhere. Shes over here! Keefe shouted, pinning Sophies arms. He doesn't try to hide it. Keefe! "Your parents want to see us.". He looked at her. Sophies heart races as she looks into his much-too-pretty eyes. Always - SoKeefe Fanfic. She couldn't stop. So stop doubting yourself and go prove me right. Sophie described it as "everything was new. U can add sokeefe or sofitz at the end (sokeefe 4 da win) Twix's can make an account and write ur own stories on it if u have an account. Uh oh was the feeling in Sophie's gut. Whats not fair? ,Keefe whispered into her ear. She was running, practically flying past everything and anything. Oh. #romance Startled, Sophie stumbled backwards, covering her mouth with her hands. Keefe's voice is soft, timid even, when he asks her if she hates him. Sophie groaned. Lost Cities Keeper Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. "I talked with Della earlier. Shed thought Keefe was flirty before, but this? "Dad! Just me making Foster blush. ,Keefe said, winking at her. But as he neared, someone stood up behind him. The gang had gathered in Everglen for a sleepover when Sophie shared one human tradition. Please consider turning it on! It had only been a few days, Charlotte wouldn't And BianaShe was unconscious. Sokeefe Stories - Wattpad "Do you think we can teach him? Sophie and Keefe stared at each other, and there was an intensity in his stare that made Sophie's heart change rhythm. "I have a stuffed frog named Mrs. Stinkbottom, but my momma wouldn't let me take her." Sophie giggled. The whole time, Sophie held his hand and nodded along. When Grady receives a hail from someo A kotlc fan fiction taking place right after Legacy. (Not An Update) Announcements and News Book, Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story. They eventually had to break the kiss, but they stayed only inches apart with their eyes locked. Sophie is trying to find traitors among her friends because of a tip from the Neverseen. Keefe teased, releasing the back of Dex's shirt. I left my home crystal on my dresser! Sophie said angrily. Biana Vacker is done with everyone at the school, she is known as a bitch. Maybe if she never let go, she could hold the broken pieces together., 'Is this the best time to reach out to you each night?' Sokeefe Oneshots - The Kiss - Wattpad She replies, saying that's way more than she's willing to lose. But would it really have changed anything? Wont kill them to wait a couple more minutes, she returned. Just as absence makes the heart grow fonder, separation makes love grow stronger, and distance makes magic grow deeper. She hadn't responded to any of Elwin's medicine, and even though he tried to hide it, Fitz could see that he was worried. Only when it comes to you. I use wattpad but this was AWESOME. "It isn't his fault. Keefe steps closer to reach for Sophie's hands. Sophie's Bedroom: Keefe and Sophie - Keefe Sencen Idolization Wiki God baby. Either way, he reached up for her face, and they were both leaning in, and. When Sophie is being chased by one of the mutant troll babies, Keefe tries to divert its attention towards him to save Sophie. I dont know- the water stopped running a while ago. When Sophie asks if he wants to risk everything on a 'pretty sure,' he says that the only thing they're risking is him. The Keeper gang is aged up to young adults (think 19-26), and the Neverseen haven't been defeated yet. Its been soso long. Sophie grimaced as he took her wrist. Rest you two, especially you, Sophie. , Elwin interrupted. #keeperofthelostcities She looked down and moaned at his swollen cock. Tell your boyfriends not to be jealous. "Kotlc Sokeefe" Stories - Quotev And nothing is they way it would have been if she'd gotten there a few years earlier. Wait a second, you're not wearing makeup!!!!" SoKeefe Forever Chapter 2: Nightmares, a keeper of the - FanFiction And in case I don't, there's something I need you to know., 'And here's another thing you can count on. They were standing on the path that wound up to The Shores of Solace? if anyone is reading this and can share me a link to a good one (sokeefe, sofitz, dex and marella, biana and tam) and any others. This is also an excuse to see how many tropes I can fit into one work, so if you like that stuff, read this! Sophie and Biana; Sophie and Dex; Dex and Keefe; Sophie and Fitz; Fitz and Keefe; Sophie and Marella; Marella and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Sophie and Jensi; Sophie and Tam; Keefe and Tam; Sophie and Linh; Keefe and Linh; Dex, Fitz, and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Keefe and Biana "Oh.". #sokeefe "Don't worry! He can't stay away from his overwhelming emotions, and now he has two panic-attack-inducing crushes, and his mom is worse than ever, and his dad has never been so aggressive, and he's so, so tired. Muahaha. No matter how all this stuff goes down.' "Oh, crap" He stuttered to a halt and lurched forward, but a hand reached out and yanked him upright. "Sneaking around is too risky. At least they left. "I don't think the Vackers would appreciate having a Dex-shaped imprint on their floor.". Sophie stepped into the gleaming entrance hall of Everglen, taking care that her boots didn't track any mud on the marble floors as she tugged them off. Sophie Foster/Keefe Sencen - Works | Archive of Our Own Sophie smiled, about to follow, when she felt two arms wrap around her from behind. When Sophie hears about human experimentation, Sophie feels like vomiting, but Keefe takes off her gloves and shifts her emotions to sooth away the darkness. Keefe showed that he really cared about Sophie. So why did he like it, enjoy it, and, in a way, want more? Sophie accidentally says to Keefe that she likes him (not in a romantic way) and is worried about him; he reassures her that she doesn't have to take care of him, and then says that is what he likes about Sophie. Just a guy ready to listen and help and be there for her. Truth or Dare/Sleepover Then, it happened. 8 letters Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic | FanFiction Of course I trust you, Keefe!, No, I mean really trust me. #lylie She shoved him backwards, advancing towards him and punching his perfect face. Alden paced back and forth in his office. Why did she have to run off like that? When he saw Biana, he bit his lip. She smiled at him, comfortingly. Currently dating Keefe explains that he noticed when Sophie was losing it in. "He's probably still at Candleshade." If you have any others vote for them! People aren't who they say they are. The neverseen are gone and Biana hosts a sleepover at everglen Stay with me. SoKeefe One Shots Chapter 10: Light Feeling, a keeper of - FanFiction Fitz flopped onto his bed and sighed. VOL I. I really hope you enjoy these poems! It is probably the thrid greatest ship ever after Sokeefe and Tiana!!!!!!!!! Fitz just watched Sophie in surpriseand anger. Sophie and Keefe have supported each other throughout the series and have comforted each other after traumatic experiences. #keefesencen Especially, the cliffhanger. Sophie wanted to squeeze into Keefe's chair so she could hug Keefe and show him someone cared. She kidnapped Sophie and attacked Biana in less than a week. Aww, I dont mind, Keefe smirked. Ill be here, providing helpful comments. He grinned. For all we know, she could have spies hidden everywhere. Look at him! I think I have too. You are a future writer! Finally, the door to the empty classroom opened, and in walked Sophie Foster. Ro calls Keefe's and Sophie's fight a "lovers' quarrel, and Sophie tries to deny it, while Keefe whispers that Sophie isn't ready to face her feelings. When he pulled back, he was shocked to find himself staring into Fitz's bright teal eyes. That knife was not a normal knifeit had something on it, she knew it. It's how I deal. Keefe eventually told Sophie that he doesn't want to mess things up and to not let him mess things up, which Sophie agreed. REALLY good friends. Mostly because it means I missed my chance to be with this really incredible guy who makes me laugh and always finds ways to be there for me when I need him. Mom wants to say hi.". ", Sophie frowned, considering what it would be like. I've always liked you in some way, and your personality, and your sexuality won't change that. Its like you dont believe me. He stepped even closer. Then the next few minutes were all a blur, lots of people asking lots of Keefe! When did you wake up?and How are you feeling? Luckily, Elwin came in and told everyone that Keefe needed to rest. Rewrite of my "i found hope in a heart attack" work!Changes:In hopes of slow burn, I made this fanfic drag on much longer. Sophie Foster. He smirked. In the commentary for Keefe's memories, on the one about when Keefe's ability was triggered, he mentions that if Sophie hadn't left their minds connected, he would've retreated into the darkness, but he came back for her, and he always will. Thats my Hunkyhair! , Ro said, grinning. During that time, Keefe takes off Sophie's gloves and crush cuffs, and entwines his fingers with hers to help calm her down by channeling her emotions. Their eyes meet after Keefe tells Sophie she can trust him. Even one of the questions on the Matchmaking packet asked for your orientation and preferences when looking for a Match. "Sophie! Keefe. Sophie took another step towards him, so close their bare feet- they hadnt put their shoes back on- were nearly touching. #creatively-anxious ', 'Not as long as I have you. Fitz felt like Tam needed to be on his own for a bit. Sophie feels bad when she realizes that Keefe can get lost in others emotions, and hers are even worse. Theyre better than mine. Then, seeming to realize he had made the moment serious, he went on quickly. They always try to keep each other safe and care for each other. Sophie gets worried about Keefe, because he used. Are we interrupting something? A crisp accent said. She's just happy to go to high school with all her friends from "SO WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO KEEFE?" 'Why would I hate you?' Strange occurrences seem to follow Sophie. In Flashback, Fitz and Sophie confess their feelings for each other, leading to them beginning a relationship. That girl obviously has more power than we thought. This is fanfiction based on Shannon Messenger's Keeper of the Lost Cities. Youre just shyer about saying it than I am., Hardly ever, I guess. Keefe calls Sophie, awfully cute in a crown, and even though Sophie knows hes teasing her, she blushes from head to toe. ), Gisela is dead, and Keefe is suffering, but he's doing it so quietly, so softly, that it contrasts everything they've ever known about him, and oh. Then, someone cleared their throat from the doorway. He was the Neverseenher enemy. 'What about Dex? "She said that they disappeared.". Sophie pretended not to notice the wink Keefe dropped her way, and fought down a blush. The next chapter will be out within the hour I think! "Not now.". Upon hearing this, Keefe replied, "Trust me-this is what I've wanted the moment I first saw you, wandering through the halls in the middle of session covered in alchemy goo." and Sophie blushes. BTW Twix and all u readers there is thes website called Wattpad. When she sat, she hugged Keefe with all her might. A/N: Bet none of you saw that coming! Kotlc sokeefe Stories - Wattpad Keefe watches as Sophie reaches for his hand when he said that he hasn't believed that his 'mommy loves him and misses him' for years and as they talk about his mom Sophie comforts him. Sophie refers to him as "cool and cute" while wondering why he wanted to be her friend. She assured him he had nothing to worry about, that of course she would accept him. ", Sophie's heart pounded as she turned to look at him, "a weapon? And that's fine. There was a softness to his voice. After the death of her older sister, Jolie, she becomes overwhelmed with grief. Chapter 2 ( spoiler: SOME SERIOUS SO-KEEFE SNUGGLES) "Keefe!", Fitz and Sophie cried in unison. Keefe gently lifted her by the shoulders to ease her into a sitting position and propped her up with extra pillows in her bed after her ability reset. Yes, Grady still called Keefe That Boy, but at least he wasnt kicking him out of the house. And third, she doesn't know HOW she feels about Keefe, or Fitz. 'Please don't hate me, okay?' Keefe fidgeted with his hands, and was slightly surprised when he felt Sophie's hand on his chin, tilting his head upwards so he was looking at her. Keefe relaxed after a few moments of silence had passed. I do. And that kiss. when i continued i was looking for this one. Keefe squeezes Sophie's hand, interlacing their fingers to send her a gentle breeze. Sophie rolled her eyes as she smiled. Percy Jackson comes into play well because I wanted more Solangelo in my life so I wrote my own, but I did tie in the plot, youll see. You made it!" ', Sophie wasn't sure why her voice sounded so thick when she said, 'It's good to have backup.' Hey, Soph, whats wrong? ,Keefe asked, pulling Sophie close, and feeling how sad she was. Do I have to remind you that you havent slept since the day you brought Keefe here?. "I don't think he knows how," a small burst of understanding was shot into his veins from his left side, where Sophie was absentmindedly fiddling with his fingers(and he knew there was irony in the fact that he succeeded in getting her to stop pulling out eyelashes when he was unconscious, he just couldn't seem to find it. Can you do one where Sophie wants to see if Keefe really likes her so she fakes kissing Fitz to see and Keefe see's or hears and gets really mad. ', 'I know I crack a lot of jokes, Sophie, but . I love it! Truth or Dare/Sleepover A SoKeefe fan fiction story | Fandom Stellerlune (a Sokeefe fanfic) - AllTheTests the neverseen have been vanquished permanently, or that's what she hopes. . 'Absolutely nothing. Keefe tells her that it's nice having someone look out for him and when Sophie tells him he doesn't make it easy, he says it's just another thing they have in common. #kotlcfanfiction You should see my room he said, laying a hand on her arm to stop her fussing, and guiding her to the bed, where they sat down.
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