He thereafter refused to come back for any additional interviews. Peter testified that two months before the explosion, his father told Roberto that if Peter came on the farm, Roberto should have him arrested for trespassing. These facts, in large part, form the basis for Paul's arguments at trial and on appeal. Rice Subsidies in Colusa County, California, 1995-2020 . In 2019, the board of supervisors of Colusa met. I finally found the Ford, and now it is driven by some young guy, not the brother. He claimed Roberto was a good person but admitted he became upset when he saw Roberto drinking and driving on the farm. Paul Roger Moore was found guilty today of murdering Roberto Ayala. Rain. Lab results will be military-grade powder, black spray-painted epoxy, no DNA. There is no direct evidence that Peter knew Roberto's precise work schedule or routine, but a jury could reasonably infer that he understood that a foreman's responsibility included adjusting the water levels on the rice fields. And while it may be doubtful that Paul killed the farm's foreman to accelerate his own position given that his father had already decided to partner with him, he certainly felt aggrieved and humiliated that he had been denied the opportunity to become the foreman when he graduated from high school and that, throughout his life, those employees like Roberto Ayala who were not part of the Moore family were valued more and treated better than either Peter or Paul. Most significantly, Peter broadcast his contempt for Roberto. Low 41F. Contact us. Eight fingerprints and the left palm print lifted from the indented sheet of paper matched Paul's. He lived with his parents and. He denied involvement in the explosion, declaring it was a chicken shit way for somebody to do it. As mentioned earlier, he claimed he had little experience with electrical devices and no experience with the irrigation pumps. Obituaries from McNary-Moore Funeral Service in Colusa, California. ROGER HICKEL OBITUARY. The settlement awarded the family $20 million as well as $44,800 in workers compensation payment. Over defense objection, Paul's ex-father-in-law testified that Paul apologized to him for tapping his daughter's telephone when they were going through a divorce, putting some kind of recorder under her modular home so he could monitor conversations. They attempted other ventures that failedPaul in construction, Peter in starting a sod business. First three fuses, the device had dual triggers and detonators. They now want the white Ford F-250 hit. Elena Paul & Kurt Richter Jv * Colusa, CA 95932: $1,211,092 * USDA data are not "transparent" for many payments made to recipients through most cooperatives. They seized this sheet but not the sheets of paper below it. The jury was well acquainted with the wiretapping evidence as well as with Paul's description of his life. Moore is the owner of the Moore Brothers Farm. He learned that a bell rang every time a verdict was made. And Roberto Ayala, in particular, was the target of his wrath. A Sacramento County jury found him guilty on Aug. 23. They also found a rat trap and three mouse traps in the pantry and fishing line in his boat. #Dateline tonight at 9/8c. Low 41F. They found threaded pipe nipple, end caps in the form of reducers and plugs, other end caps, washers, nuts, multicolored wire, and seven-inch bolts. We agree with the trial court. Trig two, drop weight activated upon door opening. But that is not to say a wiretap does not have sufficient probative value to merit admission, and given the minimal risk of potential prejudice, the trial court did not abuse its discretion by admitting evidence that did offer some probative value into the extent of Paul's knowledge about building and connecting electrical and mechanical devices. Bomb victim's family awarded $20M | Colusa Sun Herald - Appeal-Democrat This is why I refused this job, but the next guy might kill both to ensure payment. The washers were consistent with washers used on the spikes that had been laid on the road leading away from the explosion site. Information is scarce, especially since Moore does not seem to have any social media presence. Bomb Maker Convicted of Murder - LegiStorm After a few years, Martin Tucker told Roger that Peter and his friends were shooting every bird in the sky. Higher wind gusts possible.. He testified Paul constructed a rice roller and a fertilizer aqua bar in the farm workshop. To understand if, why, and how Paul would have blown up Roberto, the prosecution attempted to tell the painful story of the men of the Moore family farm and their tortured relationships. My answer to that is I don't know anyone that could have done that," Roger Moore said after the verdict was announced. Colusa Cemetery District, Colusa, CA - Burial Records - Interment.net Paul then drove to the farm shop. And that primer is causing an immediate flash into the cavity of that pipe assembly, the pipe bomb itself, and initiates the explosive charge. He said Paul Moore is the "sole inheritor of the Moore family fortune." According to Paul, something had been placed at the pump to cause the explosion. For the first time at trial, however, he testified he got into the truck and tried to drive it. ADVICE: Are North Americans wimps when it comes to pain tolerance? Paul insists it was his first cousin Peter who had the motive and violent disposition to murder Roberto, a man who had claimed his father's and uncle's affection and devotion. Of Paul Moore, Poyner said, "the guy is evil. ROBERTO'S DEATH AND THE MOORE FAMILY TRAGEDY. Most significantly, they shared their animosity toward Roberto Ayala. He also testified that Paul had told him that Roberto had said he was only good for picking up trash and that Roberto would be receiving Peter's inheritance. Paul felt belittled as Roberto assumed what Paul believed was his own place on the farm. Clearly, over the years he earned the trust and respect of Roger and Gus. He denied saying he would fire the Ayala brothers if he ever took over the farm and insisted he liked Roberto. Paul, through his own words, told that story from his perspective, and his perspective provided the jury invaluable insight into his motive for committing such an atrocious act. Cemetery Records. I received info and instructions via USPS. Evidence Code section 352 provides the framework: The court in its discretion may exclude evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the probability that its admission will (a) necessitate undue consumption of time or (b) create substantial danger of undue prejudice, of confusing the issues, or of misleading the jury. In other words, the trial court is accorded considerable discretion to carefully balance the competing interests in admitting probative evidence and in excluding evidence that unfairly prejudices a defendant, and an appellate court will overturn the exercise of discretion only when the trial court's assessment appears to exceed the bounds of reason. On July 17 Roger gave the investigators two voice mail messages he had received from Peter. To the contrary, the prosecutor did nothing more than marshal validly admitted evidence to counter defense argument: that is, the prosecutor referred to wiretapping evidence to demonstrate that Paul had superior technical skills to Peter and to his My Life entries to demonstrate he had a motive to kill Roberto, based on a lifetime of indignities and slights he felt on the farm. Roberto was not an impediment to his ambitions. December: On December 6 Paul's house was searched. CR53504) In his trial, he received a guilty verdict and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The lack of complete alignment resulted from the diagram or indented sheet being moved, the diagram being drawn at different times, or a line being overwritten. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. The letter stated: Ayala was actually warned what would happen if he screwed with these people. Unfortunately, Arlan passed away, leaving Roger to handle the affairs. On August 15 the investigators received a second letter and a diagram of a bomb. "We've waited 25 months and seven days for this moment," said Eduardo Ayala, brother of the victim. Search by Name, Phone, Address, or Email. His body was still burning when the firefighters arrived. Peter threatened both his uncle and his father. The prosecution need not, as we know, prove motive. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. He also noted that the second letter, bomb diagram, and indented sheet of paper had comparable levels of sodium, sulfur, and chlorine. The circumstantial evidence against Paul Moore included opportunity to plant the bomb and familiarity with the farms, a unique skill set to fix electrical and pump problems, and Pauls bringing investigators a piece of metal he found near the explosion. Chance of rain 100%. Second, Paul claims the substance of the rebuttal argument constitutes prosecutorial misconduct. Here the prosecution sought to prove that Paul disliked Roberto Ayala, believed he was a liability to the farm, and thought that his removal would allow Paul to assume greater managerial responsibilities. Their hopes had not materialized. But the fire and law enforcement officials who performed the initial investigation did not know a bomb had been planted in the irrigation pump. His trial lawyer provided excellent representation and advocacy. The defense argued that Peter had been present at the scene of the explosion. More to the point, he contends the evidence we described above is not substantial when reviewed in the context of the entire record. He wrote that his father thought he was stupid, but continually raved about Roberto's intelligence. The delivery and return addresses were printed label strips made with a label maker. Since he was seven, when his father was tragically killed, he is 16 years old now. We will not repeat what we have already said about the prosecutor's references to either the wiretapping or the My Life document but will examine Paul's other allegations of prosecutorial error. The jury was properly reminded to consider the evidence solely for its tendency to prove Paul's knowledge of electrical and technical devices. And, as with the admissibility of the wiretap evidence, the argument is simply a diminution of the probative value suggested by the prosecution; it is not that the evidence bore no probative value, just that it was substantially outweighed by the risk of prejudice. As an adult, he became a football coach but was fired for his aggressiveness toward a student. District Attorney John Poyner said Parisi was the best defense attorney he has ever gone up against. Thus, we do not address the theoretical question as to whether there is some line a prosecutor may not cross during rebuttal argument. A month before the explosion, Roger learned from Paul that Peter threatened to injure Roberto. Paul Moore murder conviction upheld | Colusa Sun Herald | appeal At trial he explained he had difficulty understanding the documents he was asked to review, but that he could understand an oral description of their contents. Ruben Reynoso Sr., of Colusa, CA, passed away at his home on January 9, 2023. Nor do we find the prosecutor's equally innocuous statement that there is no such thing as a prosecution witness another example of prosecutorial error. Eduardo Ayala told an investigator he saw Paul manufacturing spikes in the farm maintenance shop. "Paul was afforded a fair. Tucker reported the incident to the sheriff and to Roger. The evidence is all circumstantial. For example, Roberto traveled with Peter to a seminar about operating a sod business, but when Peter expressed interest in purchasing a harvester, Roberto alerted Roger, and Roger disapproved of the purchase. Higher wind gusts possible.. Peter had difficulty with reading comprehension. On that same day, Paul cast aspersions on Peter. He contends the evidence was too remote, was not probative of his knowledge of electrical circuitry or constructing sophisticated bombs, and was substantially more prejudicial than probative. Paul returned to work on the farm a few years before the explosion. In the My Life document, as described above, Paul provides a litany of perceived wounds and transgressions he suffered throughout his life on the farm and many of the indignities he felt were a result of the privileges, trust, and respect showered on Roberto by Roger and Gus. (People v. Kipp (1998) 18 Cal.4th 349, 369. IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THIRD APPELLATE DISTRICT (Colusa) ---- THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. PAUL ROGER MOORE, Defendant and Appellant. Although the trial was lengthy, they took less than a day to deliberate. Where is Fabian Ayala Today? - The Cinemaholic One of the investigators described the diagram of the bomb as follows: It's a diagram that has writing around the diagram and on the diagram. Paul Moore was convicted of killing Roberto Ayala, an employee of Moore Brothers. The jury reasonably could have concluded that his conduct following the explosion was incriminatorymanufacturing spikes that were found in the road and taunting the police in a dramatic chase. A state appeals court this week upheld Paul Moore's murder conviction. The investigators took possession of three computers and three cellular telephones. Published: Jun 17, 2016 Total records: 5,262. In denying Paul's motion for a new trial on this ground, the trial court stated that the prosecutor's offhand and brief comment could not be fairly construed as arguing character. On July 16, 2011, Roberto picked up his seven-year-old son, bought him lunch, and drove to one of the Moore brothers' rice fields to adjust the irrigation pump. July 18: Two days after Roberto Ayala's death, Paul delivered to investigators a piece of metal he found in a canal near the explosion. Periods of rain. Moore Farms / White Wolf Potato Co. | Moore Farms After a career of killing, I want to save a life before I take my life. Since I will not take this job, it will soon be reassigned. Recipients of payments . Paul Moore, a family friend of Ayala's, was found guilty of setting the explosive device that killed Ayala after he turned on an irrigation pump at a rice field at the Moore Brothers farm.. But 12 jurors of Pauls peers found that the circumstantial evidence proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he murdered Roberto Ayala, and we must respect their verdict., The appeals court also said that Paul complained bitterly about his life growing up on the farm and felt mistreated by everyone., The Sun Herald article states that the appeals court said the murder case was a classic whodunit. The target is brother of target one and drives Chevy. David Moore's birthday is 01/17/1944 and is 78 years old. If u come 4 me, call first. The evidence demonstrates that Paul had, on at least one occasion, experimented with explosive substances. I would decline anyway because I saw target two with his girls and that I can't deal with. Higher wind gusts possible. In fact, he testified [t]hat piece of property is my favorite piece of property that we own. It was in that field that he ran his duck club before Roger took down the blinds. He thought the police were there to search for medical marijuana he was growing. Dateline on NBC sheds light on the horrific murder of Roberto Ayala. But Paul insists the prosecutor's rebuttal constituted error, even if we assume it was not intentional. The next day, the investigators at the Colusa County Sheriff's Department received a letter with a postmark from Sacramento that they learned was processed by the postal service in West Sacramento. Little Fabian ran through the sunflower fields, as far as he could, to get help for his father More Friday at 9/8c with @Dateline_Keith. Paul Moore convicted in Colusa bombing death - Appeal-Democrat Once it gets free enough to the point, and that won't take a whole lot, that washer drops or is free, and then that bolt drops, pulls the line through the first nut on the top, pulls the nut or the line through the bottom nut over here, the second one, which yanks on this little trigger right there releasing the bale. Unfortunately, Arlan passed away, leaving Roger to handle the affairs. An explosive enforcement officer testified that booby trap devices are victim-operated. He explained that just above the pipe bomb was a mouse-trap assembly that was used as a trigger. It is true that the prosecution did not elicit testimony from the ex-father-in-law or from anyone else about what electrical knowledge was necessary to wiretap a telephone. The straightedge drawing is -- the diagram depicts -- what we're led to believe is that the diagram depicts the electrical box. We have outlined the chronology of the investigation and how it produced evidence that Paul was quick to alert the investigators to evidence suggesting that Peter bore Roberto ill will, that Peter had threatened Roberto, that Peter had been at the scene of the explosion the day before it happened, and that it was an explosion, not an accident. So, heres everything you need to know about Roger Moore. Considered in context, there is no danger the jurors were misled or that the document examiner's expert testimony was falsely elevated to the stature of DNA evidence. "I feel like I've lost two sons in one time," Roger Moore said. We conclude the risk was very low. Dr. Svetlana Moore, MD | Colusa, CA | Family Medicine Doctor | US News The prosecutor did not rely on any evidence outside the record, nor did he raise any new theory. "We've waited 25. Peter testified he was going to physically beat up Roberto. A friend read about his fingerprints on the indented sheet in a local newspaper and asked him about it when he called Paul in jail. Paul complained that Roberto was accorded special privileges, such as keeping sheep and goats by the farm workshop, drinking beer while working or after work, and driving company vehicles home. In addition, he had a violent disposition and leveled threats to harm not only Roberto, but his father, his uncle, and many others who upset him. On tonight's episode of Dateline NBC, Keith Morrison interviews family members and investigators in Robert Ayala's murder case. August: On August 11 the investigators were informed that the chemical testing of the fragments from the explosion indicated the presence of nitroglycerine, a chemical used in explosives. He thought he was safe in the States. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Whether a trial court has erred in admitting evidence under Evidence Code section 1101 is also reviewed for an abuse of discretion. The settlement also included about $44,800 in worker's compensation payments. Paul was free to argue that the document itself proved he had no intention of harming Roberto because, even in his most private moments, he did not threaten him. In fact, the incarcerated man's full name is Paul Roger Moore, as a sign of respect to his father. The police officers confiscated a laptop computer, a combined printer-copier, a partial roll of stamps similar to those used on the second letter sent to the sheriff, an unopened label maker, file folders that had been marked with labels created with a label maker, and manila envelopes similar to the one used for the first letter. A document examiner expert testified at trial that the paper used in the second letter sent to the sheriff, the diagram, and the indented paper were chemically indistinguishable. September-October: On several occasions the FBI dive team searched the canal and the irrigation ditch perpendicular to the canal and found a fuse, hinge, washers and nuts, the inside part of the electrical control panel, part of the post the panel had been mounted on, and a timer box cover. Previously driven by target one. The forensic evidence, as we have described it, connects Paul to the drafting of the second letter and bomb diagram sent to the sheriff's department.
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