Ray Daniels & Wendy Day, break down the true sacrifice in the music industry. The Music Industries Strange Affair WIth Satan | Amos37 Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast, philip seymour hoffman illuminati sacrifice, How the Illuminati manipulates the black culture through an, Dr. Dres Illuminati power move to become raps first, The crossover into the Age of Aquarius with pop stars like. It has been raining all morning since 3 am, which lolled me to sleep, and I woke up to the calming effect of the raindrops. In the present time, music is not all about artistic ability and the voice of the singer. Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Kurt Cobain, Paul Walker just to name a few. When you think about Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse, to get into drugs like that, for whatever reason, is it because of the stress and bad influence? The music industry consists of the individuals and organizations that earn money by writing songs and musical compositions, creating and selling recorded music and sheet music, presenting concerts, as well as the organizations that aid, train, represent and supply music creators. Since music is losing the pool of . ]; By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm. T Pain Exposes Music Industry Secrets: Family Sacrifices The music video for "Sacrifice", directed by Cliqua, was released alongside the song and parent album on January 7, 2022, [11] [12] and serves as the sequel to the music video of "Take My Breath". Now people with even a regular voice are becoming singers. However how much better for them to have a short, one-off major boost than a long, lingering virtually profit-less demise to any artists career? Mastering is important because it makes your song sound perfect on all devices in the car, your phone speaker and even on Spotify. Even if you get to the right place at the right time, you may not get the perfect opportunity because so many talented people are already available to take the jump.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gemtracks_com-netboard-1','ezslot_24',195,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-netboard-1-0'); To be a professional musician, people have to work a late night and they need to be consistent and steady in the music. Manipulation and corruption exists anywhere money can be made, and that is world wide because the world has always been money and power focused (two sides of the same coin). Blood Sacrifices Exposed [2012 Feb] Whitney Houston, the Devil in the Details & The Satanic Sacrifice of the Symbolic Black Diva [2012 Feb] Whitney Houston's Death and The Secret-Society, Called The Music Industry "Whitney hallucinates and sees demons when she's high; she bites and beats herself black-and-blue but blames the devil for the injuries." The trick is to learn how to deal with the setbacks and to continue moving towards the goal. In Stock. Synchronization grew 2.1% and totaled $337 million, up from $330 million. Decide which cookies you want to allow.You can change these settings at any time. Mastering these tools is no doubt a different story. . Why was it not simply cancelled out of respect for her death or was there some kind of warped thrill to be had in partying-on below the dead body? On Tuesday, the major labels protested police brutality with a "blackout." Executives and artists say industry . My interest in music was well established at the age of 5 when I won a National Composition Competition to compose a song for the Rainbow Guides. Thats why Im not part of show business. While serving as a vehicle for communication between the human and the divine realm (e.g. These days, musicians, managers, and singers, everyone is experiencing setbacks. Its a very predictable pattern that happens with all famous artists. 1 George Michael Was An Illuminati Sacrifice. It is also linked to sacrifice. 'FBIOS', We cant change other people or how they live. Now, the industry people rarely influence fashion and style. "2 Music as the residue of ritual Thus, it becomes difficult for artists with capability to make a mark. With a demo track, you have a track to sing along with when you record your vocals in the studio. The Satanic Entertainment Industry - Prepare For Change But today, music is seldom featured in most people's daily lives. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gemtracks_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',193,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-leader-3-0');Not many music-based movies are made these days. Top 10 Insane Conspiracy Theories About Music Stars The number of examples of the satanic nature of the entertainment business is truly staggering and so we will concentrate on a few specific examples and events, but please bear in mind that this is only the tiniest sliver of ice on top of the very tip of an extremely large iceberg. Mainly because, as today, the music industry then had its favourites and certain personalities including the likes of Mozart, who whilst feted as a celebrity of his time, probably did not compose much of the music attributed to him then and since. The entire music and entertainment industry is an important indoctrination tool used by and for the Elite and many musicians are introduced to Satanism and occultism. Its insidious influence on our psyches has no doubt left its mark on us all to a greater or lesser degree and there is no doubt that certain songs, artists and lyrics contribute in some way, however large or small, to the huge increase in suicide among the under 25 age groups, which stands at record levels and is no doubt welcomed enthusiastically by the Elite in line with their stated policy of huge population reduction. Again, certainly food for thought. Its part of existing on the earth. As the old tradition would have it, the show went on nevertheless, but not without an abundance of strange symbolism and ritualism that made it extremely clear that there is a definite dark side to the entertainment business. } Obviously, there are some genuine cases of accidental drug overdoses, but I am equally sure that some of these are murders and some suicides. This works in the same vein as film and television programmes that seem to have now evolved into excessively depressing and/or violent experiences for the viewer, even for very young children who are being increasingly exposed to overt sex and violence and when those few who still actually care about such things complain or point it out they are often labelled as a prude or old-fashioned. Nevertheless, well-known musicians are often reported as admitting to the practice of Satanism and their friends or colleagues will often mention that they have multiple personalities and that what you see on the stage is not really that person. At the . Music careers today are trounced by the technology industry when it comes to the job choice and the availability. These are often the artists we know to have so famously died by drug overdose or have suffered other strange deaths. If the child is young and impressionable, it is then the responsibility of the caretaker to supervise, instruct and teach the child about truth and love and what that really means. KAT WILLIAMS EXPOSES HOW MUSIC LABELS SACRIFICE RAPPERS IN THE INDUSTRY Suspense, horror, piano and . Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. Most musicians have a long-term goal in mind. Hollywood studios are "drenched in the blood of innocent children" according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of "baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own." In a shocking expos, the famed movie producer has blown the whistle on the . A sage passed by and touched him, and the king was cured. You have to do your work and get out of there.Celine Dion, I think we all, as artists, because were highly sensitive people and this machine around us, this so-called music industry, is such a demonic thing. Take this body to the project for a sacrifice. Those who think he's exposing Pizzagate. Sacrifice Lyrics. They are illuminati satanic worshippers of the pagan god of fertility Baal who requires sacrifice of children to Molech -god of child sacrifice . Her body was not moved out until shortly before the party ended around midnight. Musical history does not wish us to be aware of this fact; it just wishes to continue to promote the popular icons of the day, focussing on an artificially generated, elite group of composers who with the passage of time have been placed on pedestals and thus made immortal, just as many famous rock stars have been made the saints of the new religion that is music, today. Whitney Houston's Death and The Secret-Society, Called The Music Industry Tips From Bliss - Bpmremix The Illuminati is a secret society that is rumored to control all world events. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. A List of Every Musician and Music Executive Facing Abuse Allegations The rock music of today is several magnitudes darker and more depressing than Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and other well-known devil-rockers of past decades and at the time these bands were considered the very epitome of evil by the deeply religious. Indeed, music has a very strong, very definite physiological and psychological effect on people, especially the more impressionable among us. There is no end to this disruption in the music industry as of now.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'gemtracks_com-box-4','ezslot_4',631,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-box-4-0'); Few years back, music was seen as the highest calling for many people. The music industry =1224. So, don't stop searching once you've found a few and never be afraid to ask for help. SMU Catholic Campus Ministry. There is so much information on this topic that could be included, that to do it justice would really justify a book in its own right. Many people feel that in revenue terms, the music industry is flourishing, but in the artistic term, it is going down the hill. Were These All Illuminati Sacrifices? - Christian Observer The band's were divided into groups and subgroups. TubeBuddy. I believe we all still have a choice of how we want to live our lives. If you dont like the product, dont buy it. Please use discernment! A metaphor or figure of speech? Now, entering into the music industry is as challenging as entering other industries. Anyone with a computer and a music gear and record music from their bedroom. Get it as soon as Wednesday, Mar 1. Recorded music industry revenue in the United States from 2009 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars) Basic Statistic. The Illuminati and members of their organization are especially influential in the entertainment industry. This way more people can enjoy our content. At the beginning of your career, your team may solely consist of the people who perform with you. Why popular female pop stars like Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Kesha . It is extremely important to identify which types of music are harmful to the human psyche and which are negative. What made a career in the music industry to be almost impossible for people. This was no mere trickle this was a full-blown gushing of water. Your email address will not be published. The Illuminati symbolism apparent in Gagas stage and TV appearances is utterly blatant and is becoming so transparent that analyses almost become a simple statement of the obvious. Cookies Blood sacrifice - WHALE This means, they accept and reject everything pretty quickly. Try to advance the skills sets and technique. The next time you see an article in a music magazine, think of how few black women in the industry have the power to make executive creative decisions. Gemtracks houses award-winning melody composers for you to work with. Phenomenon like brain drain and lack of new talents have accelerated the fall of the music industry. But your so fucking toxic #foryou #fyp #fyo #artist #hiphop #pop #juic var pattern = new RegExp('(' + rules.join('|') + ')', 'ig'); Elton John - Wikipedia . Please understand however that the above events are just one example and one tiny pinprick on the finger-tip of the very large body of evidence linking show business to the satanic arts. He was bearing Whitneys entry ticket in his hand when he entered the room to what was apparently an outpouring of sympathy, but obviously not enough sympathy to actually halt the party. by Mark Dice Paperback. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function.Learn more about the cookies we use. Touring is difficult in the absence of finances. is so prevalent among this group of people? Answer (1 of 41): This question remind me a story of A King and A Sage , that tells about the real meaning of Sacrifice : Once there was a king who was always fighting. In this interview, Aaron revealed that it was his Church that started such heavy-metal genre rock groups as Black Sabbath, The Blue Oyster Cult and many others. I wake up at around noon, because I had slept late last night. Audience & Fan Attention. In addition to this, they always remained in the news and part of all conversations. The last step is to master your mixed song. It is actually an essential aspect of the latter-day degeneration of music and the lowering of consciousness. Global revenues from physical was $9.4 billion, a 5% decrease on 2011's total of $9.9 billion. As analyzed in modern scholarship (Vernant et al. WEF Says Its Time To Legalize Sex and Marriage With Animals Thousands Of Vaxxed Canadian Children Dying Suddenly As MSM Looks Away, Excess Deaths Among Young Adults Soar to Record High. The music video portrays the birth of her alter ego Sasha Fierce. It has been reported that she had had premonitions about her own demise (where have we heard this before?) Full Sail is one of the the top entertainment arts schools in the US. Sir Elton Hercules John CH CBE (born Reginald Kenneth Dwight; 25 March 1947) is a British singer, pianist and composer.Collaborating with lyricist Bernie Taupin since 1967, John has sold over 300 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling artists of all time. Thus, the quick fan burnout is another major reason that many artists are unable to make a mark in the music industry. Safety Taxi, a historically Black-owned business for over 85 years, is one of 30 businesses in the Charlotte region listed in "The Negro Motorist Green Book," according to the N.C. African . Legal. subscribe to endofnumbers here on youtube!also like endofnumbers on facebook www.facebook.com/endofnumbers1 July 9, 2019 February 10, 2022 Entertainment Industry Videos Whenever you see an actor with all these perfume commercials, that comes at a price for selling your soul, having homosexual acts with global elite and even animals. No doubt there are stories of artists and talents who rose to fame on their own merit. There is a long history of manipulation in the music industry, going back many, many years. Live events and touring were the main source of income for artists of various sizes until the . How did XXXTentacion know he was going to die? Was he a sacrifice for document.getElementById('af-form-430377240').parentElement.removeAttribute('target'); But, for most newcomers a little push and a financial stability is needed. Why would they? Beyonce's alter ego hints that she is controlled by the Illuminati (par. Less people are willing to sacrifice their life for an art like music. 14 Reasons it's Hard to Make It in the Music Industry in 2023 + FREE If we then add in a mix of illegal drugs and fake (or even real) sacrificial blood, create a circle with a pentagram using the stage lights and positions of the musicians within it, place large speakers in strategic positions for 13 separate points of origin of musical sound, altogether this constitutes a bona fide Black Mass replete with sacred geometry. Is satanic worship in the music industry real? Do the - Quora SafeGuardYourSoul is an independent publisher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, feeding and equipping His flock and winning the lost. heres a song for whitney-the power of her love came through regardless of all the manipulations..manifesting in a smile on young sailors face,or a downtrodden victim of the matrix being afforded some joy anyways while hearing whitney sing..whitney.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0v-nPLugQs. But it's found a wild fandom. But, it is also important for musicians to do the right thing at the right place. People like to watch shows and series on OTT platforms. It is also influencing fashion as well as style and it also acts like the execs of the music business of the 70s and 80s. Smoke was born 2 years 117 days after The Notorious B.I.G. Use our submission service to send your songs to Spotify playlists, magazines and even record labels! What is sacrifice? - Quora So, was Exel an instrumental part in Whitneys death in any way and had she become persona non gratis to the Elites music industry in some way? Hip hop music =2007. Satanic Hollywood Sex Cult Lists Bill Maher And Others As Members Thanks again. The Music Industry Is Broken. How Do We Fix It? - FUXWITHIT I just wish he did. Just to get the blood off in 3 or 4 hours. BLOOD SACRIFICES -music industry | Wiki | Conspiracy Theory Amino Could it also be significant that Whitney Houstons room number the day that she died, was 434 which in numerology equates to 4+3+4 =11. The truth is, the music industry has gatekeepers in the form of labels, A&R, streaming services, and radio that control what music is promoted and pushed to the masses. $15.26. '(iPhone|iPod|iPad)(?!. 'Music Industry Review' Presents 'Compelling Evidence' of Abuse Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Um, You might wanna see this right away.. MILITARY INSIDER: Their Tactics Arent Working Anymore, Israeli parliament passes death penalty bill: The law would apply to Palestinians who kill Israelis, but not the other way around. ), sacrifice connects but also divides. Otis Redding. })(); His usual entourage was there with him, including Quinton Aaron, a Hollywood B-grade movie actor and despite his terrible shock at Whitneys death he still somehow managed to force himself to attend the party in the ballroom. Vinyl, HBO (2016) Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll - such was the New York City music scene in the 1960s. Illuminati in the Music Industry takes a close look at some of today's hottest stars and decodes the secret symbols, song lyrics, and separates the facts from the fiction in this fascinating topic. But if you wish to direct your life towards a professional music career, you must be ready for tremendous sacrifices. Most people are making music solely because of the easy access to technology, Thus, very less people join the band. Major artists work with dozens of partners as they tour around the world, release singles, videos and albums, make appearances, sell merch and promote their music and shows. It is also important for the artist to have proper healthcare facilities, retirement benefits, and good financial backup. THE JOE ROGAN & KANYE WEST INTERVIEW WAS VERY INSIGHTFUL. How Does the Music Industry Work? A 10-Part Guide | Soundcharts Christian Music Industry Exposed - SafeGuardYourSoul How Does the Music Industry Work? A 10-Part Guide | Soundcharts Gavin Alvarez - A/V Warehouse Operations - Heard Global | LinkedIn Idk where the sacrifice rhetoric is coming from . by Mark Dice Paperback. If you believe that the music and entertainment industry is there simply to entertain us and make money in the process for its artists, promoters and producers, please think again. Her case indeed followed the same pattern as several other celebrity deaths that were blamed on drug excesses, despite much conflicting, albeit circumstantial evidence to the contrary. However, all of that changed in the following decade - the 1970s. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "Whatever The Question, Love Is The Answer". Today, the most popular musicians, such as for example, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears are totally controlled by the occult and the music industry and Hollywood are fixated by Black . Music is not what it used to be because of the influence of Satanism in the music industry. Less money in band means that bands have less money to invest in new talent. This may well sound cynical and possibly unbelievable, but I can assure you that it is true. Large careers need large teams to maintain them. *Safari\/)', X spoke too much about it in his songs, never camouflaging for anyone but instead to educate the masses that followed him. Since music is losing the pool of talent, it becomes difficult for newcomers to make a mark into the industry. Dallas, Texas. Seller has the most incredible beat I have ever heard. Born this Way, surprise of surprises was released on the11thFebruary 2011, exactly one year to the day before Whitneys death. To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. This book focuses on conspiracy theories and the Illuminati symbolism in hip hop culture, rap music, and pop music. Oversee budget and vision/mission of music .
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