Individuals with "SAMWL" are listed on the Saudi Arabian most wanted list, released in February 2009. Thats why everyone is dumbed out! Some think its James Woods, a conservative in Hollywood. I have heard that arrests and executions wont start till President trump gives orders?? None of their friends and family can tell the difference between them and a body double? Annette made MORE SENSE THAN MOST OUT HERE. Donna, there is much more to this story and it doesnt end with the question.dont their family and friends know? [7] Initially, the DoD released only 317 names. or you can be called dumb human yourself. People who you think are married in the Hollywood realm, arent. Interrogation of James Clapper Mike Pence is BAD. US moves al-Qaeda's 'most dangerous' inmates at Guantanamo Bay I have no idea what is true. I ask myself that question constantly, Juan OSavin says at the proper time the Military will bring back a civilian government per Constitution once all the fraud of the election is exposed. who knows. Eliminate the departments that are duplicates in states, cut out the federal middle man, eliminate NASA, FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS plus many more departments used to spy on regular people, and stop them from printing more money . They did a good job implementing this for thirty years. Can anyone imagine what kind of tech the Govt has we have idea about. Below is the largest list of names made. We have been lied to for do long. Yes who knows, can tell I dont know, neither does anyone else who isnt on the inside, Check Deep Fakes on Rumble. We surely dont have all the info about anything! At Gitmo 9/11 trial, prosecutor gives lurid . Transferred from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia on June 25, 2005. Take a look at a photo of Ivankas first kid, next to Daddy Donald. The first official list provided sinc obama is having a birthday party! PLUS: 50th Episode Reflections on Rumble & Our Show | SYSTEM UPDATE #50 ~ March 4, 2023, Situation Update 3.3.23 ~ Deep State END WAR ~ March 4, 2023, Milley Is a Blackmailed, Globalist POS ~ March 4, 2023, New Scott McKay, Micheal Jaco & Nino Rodriguez Round Table March 2023 Its Your Constitutional Right to Form and Belong to a Militia ~ March 4, 2023, Deepin Moments: 30 Cities Protest at the Same Time, France Erupts against the US ~ March 4, 2023, NESARA/GESARA REVEALED: NESARA IMPLEMENTS THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ~ March 4, 2023, Matt Gaetz: Abolish the FBI, CDC, DOJ if they do not come to heel for We the People ~ March 4, 2023, Dr. Kia Pruitt: Dinar Stabilizes, Congress Attacks Fed CBDCs, States Go to Gold, Banks in Trouble ~ March 4, 2023, New Development Seeds of Wisdom RV/GCR Update(s) from Goldilocks 3-1-23 ~ March 4, 2023, Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 4, 2023, The Full Worm Moon in Virgo Wants You to Get Ahead of the Curve, So Embrace Productivity March 4, 2023, (NEW) JUAN O SAVIN THE ANTICHRIST DECEPTION IN AMERICA March 4, 2023, March 3, 2023: Storms Not Only for Seas and Skies, The New Earth Blog ~ Creating Our New Life in the Age of Compassion, THE MIND OF RD REVILO, The Blog (& Podcasts) 4 THE BROTHERS, THE BROTHERHOOD THE RESURRECTION OF OUR MANHOOD. More than 200 former Guantanamo Bay inmates returned to terrorism following their release, according to a declassified Office of National Intelligence report. See, US Government withheld the first five pages of the transcript of his Combatant Status Review Tribunal, Continued detention considered by his CSRT and ARB, dossier accidentally declassified - released (Kurnaz translates as slick or cunning in Turkish), US alleges the charities he worked for had ties to al Qaeda. Monday April 05 2021, 5.00pm, The Times The most secretive prison facility at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, holding 14 of "the most dangerous" terrorist suspects, has been closed because . At this point I dont trust any of them to be honest. Supposedly, Continued detention was justified because he was captured wearing a, former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan; released September 2005, Announced intention to 'return to the fight'. I pray these people have been executed for their actions!! Brennan is gone, dead, executed and rightfully so! List of Guantanamo Bay detainees - US Extra-territorial detainees Wiki Need to follow your gut and do what you think is best. double we know they have those Seriously. I am open to what can be true with any of this. Wait minute, they have surrendered their citizenship, once they freely decide to become enemy combatants and then traitors. IF all these people are truly gone with clones or doubles taking their place THEN their assets totaling in the trillions (some say as much as 50 trillion) should be confiscated, therefore there criminal enterprises should have collapsed. Newspaper reports described him as frail and senile. Helping others access and implement new creative skills. Or is all just misleading information??? Would hope this to be true. 2021 MAR 18 HRC Suffers Adrenochrome Withdrawal at GITMO - 4CMiTV I heard he had been executed? This article has been here for 2 years. An Updated Tool for Tracking the Detainees of Guantnamo Bay, I love the idea of not paying taxes. The so called insurrection on 1-6-21 will be armed next time. Criminals are feeling its OK to do what they want. Seven of the 32 prisoners still held at Guantnamo (and five who have been freed). 15. to drop, then its on like donky kong, Love it again the true stupidity of most Americans im American and have lived in another country legally and now Miami and 43 cant believe grown adults so stupid as well as just having the news to wash your hands is again rodent brain labrats and rest of world is laughing at our country and Hollyweird. I guess they forgot who they work for. I go with what Fox Mulder source told him on XF Trust No One, I wonder how obama is having a birthday party? Getting rid of a wart by cutting it at skin level does not remove it. [7] As of December 2008, around 50-60 detainees have been cleared for release, but have not actually been released due to difficulties in repatriating them. gitmo update 2021 Archives - Rotter 2 Massive U.S. Prison Barges Enroute To Gitmo, Cuba Appentently, Brennan had a ring side window to look out of. Upcoming Executions | Death Penalty Information Center Our country is going to cr_p and all we here is talk how it should never happen again no accountability with mountains of evidence. And were all fukd!! Acknowledged being a member of the Taliban. (LogOut/ Came from Adelaide, Australia. The Full Gitmo List - The Atlantic Newspaper reports described him as frail and senile. So, who puts President Trump back in? Believed between 12 and 15 years old when detained. Seen a claim that he wasnt, its fake news but as same thing claimed vaccines safe & effective nit inclined to trust it. Trump Has It 1000%!! Two Prison Barges To Gitmo Adding 12000 Inmates Regarding Trudeau: never blame Canadians or throw us in this pool of corruption!!! Now, 32 remain. Two Prison Barges To Gitmo Adding 12000 Inmates! Be kind too your neighbors. I see this story getting passed around the internet and everyone who shares it acts as if they got it from some credible source, but its the same stuff that has been regurgitated since January. Is Guantanamo Bay Still Open? Dozens of Prisoners Still in - Newsweek Hi Shannon, I have no idea; I dont follow him or the others in his group. How Many Inmates Are Held at Guantanamo Bay? ???? Are the WH real, is all this a PO, I have no idea. Replies. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Hundreds of released Gitmo detainees back to killing Americans Before accusing, start asking. Therefore, that leads me to believe that hes been in on this bullshit from the very beginning. Bfergel February 15, 2021 at 11:36 PM. Prison Barge Leaves NY for Gitmo 2 Massive U.S. Prison Barges Enroute To Gitmo, Cuba. We need another Trump!!!!! Hes a fecking Incest Pedophile, Epstein Customer 8x over ! Both were returned to their home countries. Who knows. These people are evil. louisiana supreme court decisions 2021; descriptive statistics cheat sheet pdf; official religion of qatar; brett and natalie survivor relationship; rimbey funeral home obituaries; is sam's choice bone broth real bone broth; nbha youth world 2021 qualifiers To receive it weekly, sign up here. But in the tug of war for transparency there, time does win out. Claimed to be sold for a bounty. Gitmo's Eternal Inmate Takes Center Stage in Alex Gibney - Jacobin Good question. Love, Spirituality, Free Energy, Abundance, Quantum Awareness, Here Is the Current List of Elites Who Have Been Allegedly Tribunal-ed and Executed (Video), Military Tribunals at GITMO: A Partial List of Those Believed Named in Over 71,000 Federal Indictments. Someone should simply bus all of them directly to Joes front door, Kamalas and Pelosi too since HE ACTUALLY INVITED THEM ALL TO COME HERE AND PROMISED THEM FREE HEALTHCARE AND HOUSING.. We dont want our money going to other countries for rediculous studies. Lists are provided in the highlighted sentences.. You have no credibility your a joke and you are making a joke of a very serious matter. [4] The Associated Press published the list in more accessible text form.[5]. In my opinion. THERE HAVE BEEN THOUSANDS OF ARRESTS AROUND THE WORLD. The list gave the detainee's ID number, their name, and their home country. I believe its true about the sex trafficking and Satanic Ritual abuse is all true. charged with conspiracy to murder on November 7, 2005, claims authorities tortured him to make him end his, Went to Afghanistan to flee UK law - released Jan 2005, Released prior to the initiation of the CSRT procedures, repatriated in 2004 - released on bail - then rearrested, Now released, allegedly bears scars of torture, Says he was a University student, captured in his University dorm, who had never even been to Afghanistan. Toss together chocolate chips, baking chips and pecans. Supposedly, Continued detention was justified because he was captured wearing a, former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan; released September 2005. Although most of these have been released without charge, the United States government continues to classify many of these released detainees as "enemy combatants". Everyone on this list has a body double? They also were social distancing for what reason? Released from Guantanamo in January 2004. following his release, he subsequently fought with the Taliban and was killed in Afghanistan by coalition forces on September 26, 2004. . READ THE CONSTITUTION. What can I tell them? Hangings, guillotines and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News arrests and executions of famous people march 2021,, Arrests and Executions of Famous people and GITMO, Arrests and Executions of famous people Updated, Hollywood Pedophiles Exposed by Isaac Kappy, RABBI FINKELSTEIN - JEWISH CONTROL OF THE WORLD. Announced intention to 'return to the fight', believed to have subsequently died in Syria, Repatriated to Spanish custody, tried, convicted, and released on appeal, Name appears as "Sarfaraz Ahmed" on the Washington Post list of detainees, Ahmed's name does not appear on the May 15, 2006 DoD list of Guantanamo detainees, Reported to have been sexually abused, beaten, starved, sleep deprived, Alleged to have made recruiting videos for al Qaeda, One of the first four detainees to face charges before, Reported to have attempted suicide during his lawyer's visit in October 2005, Repatriated to Saudi custody July 20, 2005, will be confined to care facility for the duration of his life, Cameraman for al Jazeera, only journalist held at Gitmo, hunger-striker, Alleged exonerating evidence and $12,000 dollars he was carrying when captured went missing from the secure evidence room, Claims to have spent 18 months in extrajudicial CIA detention, Claims to have been tortured during CIA detention, Repatriated to Saudi Arabia June 12, 2009, Said he was born in Saudi Arabia to parents who were citizens of Chad. #GODWINS. Alex Gibney's The Forever Prisoner reveals the brutal truth behind the nearly two-decade imprisonment of Guantanamo Bay inmate Abu Zubaydah and the powerful men at the top of the American government responsible for his torture. James Woods acting skills are par excellence. In January there was an assassination attempt on Trump, it was done by drone. Still not sure why, as many others are not, they continue this facade. Kamala Harris is apparently at Gitmo for being a Satanic - reddit They do this bullshit every one hundred years. Mike Pence was executed on 30 June 2020. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. It's. Joe Diffie? See my blog at to find out who they are FEMA Prison Barges moored at Guantanamo Bay for the overflow of VIP prisoners awaiting Military Trial.The Deep State Cabal,their pocket politicians and gangster friends await execution or life in prison by US Military Tribunal. gitmo inmate list 2021 medicolegal investigator salary WTF? Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. It will be anarchy from all sides., Covid-19means the certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence and 19 was the year in which it was created.. On May 20, 2021, the following document was filed and is now posted: AE788R (GOV): Government Notice Of U.S. When will they ever release to the public whats really going on. Fact Check: List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions Is False [2] Go after them! Am I really to believe this is his body double? Dont keep accusing all of us of being enemies of America. Why would a white hat continue on with this game. I was of the opinion that Pence & Paul Ryan were in cahoots in a treasonous attempt to overthrow our duly elected president. Federal Reserve HOAX YOU WORK FOR THEM! The people need to stop selecting attorneys for politicians except our elections are fake. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. Learn how your comment data is processed. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is the corrupt Media, and Liberal party that controls and criminalizes the people!! They have no credit anymore. The U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, admitted its first inmates 20 years ago Tuesday. I think the news people and Pelosi and Zuckerberg are freaking robots incase someone tries to assassinate their asses!!! Commanders would brief reporters regularly, and guards would come forward to speak with pride about their service there but were not allowed to name the men in the orange uniforms. Humanity Will Be Shocked At The Horror Of Evidence! When called on it, Steve instead critiques a mis-spelled word. The implications of these unfolding events for disclosure of classified technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets and extraterrestrial life, all previously suppressed by the Deep State, are profound. Released in 2005 after 3.5 years of imprisonment by US. Kristy Long , Justin is of the Scottish clan Sinclair (mothers side) that dates back to the Templars that preceded Free Masonry. I dont believe this garbage. This video sheds light on what has to happen before military arrests and tribunals at Gitmo occur. Genetics dont lie, Ivanka is Daddys Girl right from an early age. with that being is not a coincidence that his name is TRUMP. For detainees currently held at Guantanamo, see, Last edited on 21 February 2023, at 19:03, List of current detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism, Al Hameydani, Khalid Bin Abdullah Mishal Thamer, Al Hanashi, Mohammad Ahmed Abdullah Saleh, Al Kandari, Abdullah kamel bin Abdullah Kamal, Al Tamini, Abd Al Razzaq Abdallah Ibrahim, Al Zarnuki, Mohammed Ali Salem Al Zarnuki, Jarabh, Saeed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullab Sarem, A Profile of 517 Detainees through Analysis of Department of Defense Data, "U.S. Convicted of bombing a natural gas pipeline. Why do 2021. The prison enters its 21st year in January and, although hundreds have come and gone, the trial of the five men accused of plotting 9/11 has yet to begin. The names of several hundred detainees who had been released prior to the commencement of the CSRT were not released. Bob Kudla discusses the latest economic news. But one can not speak up for self if they are DEAD!!! Convicted (plea bargain). Kamala Harris is apparently at Gitmo for being a Satanic Pedophile. They are all trying to save their own asses. They work for the CABAL buddy. Not all of these names have been copied to this page yet. How many prisoners can be held at Gitmo. RESCHEDULED on January 24, 2023 by the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals; execution date reset for May 18, 2023. He cites unnamed sources who he claims are in day-to-day contact with Trump, and . OH. Thats why nothing comes after Generation Z!! our leaders, media, teachers, tv, movies, books, dudes in white coat, friends, family get to be believed automatically, why is that any of these people tell me something I just have to say hey yes that has to be true. The Pentagon late last night released its most extensive list of foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay by providing the names and nationalities of 558 detainees who went through a. Already from within, lets wake here. gitmo update: arrests, indictments and executions 2021 - Sports Nutrition Yes, it does. In official documents, the Department of Defense (DoD) continues to make intermittent efforts to redact detainee's names, and has not published an official list of detainees (As of September 2005[update]). Drinking the blood of children that contains adrenochrome is the drug these satanist famous people and politicians have been involved with for decades. Federal Inmate Release 2022 - Federal Prisons Lets hope the rumor is true that Trump will return with JFK jr. as the Vice President and layer to run for President himself. Sounds like they only added one additional court room, doesnt seem to be enough to handle the massive number. The Pentagon has finally released the names of 558 Gitmo prisoners who've passed through the kangaroo court known as the Combatant Status Review Tribunal. Stop paying the politicians. Click open the entry for Detainee 86, Shafiq Rasul, and you will see the British citizen whose name was on the first Guantnamo case to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. This can be clearly confirmed by the following visuals, identifying a significant amount of expansion for what is expected to be tens of thousands of new ex-elite prisoners. Thank you. Click open one row and you can find Haji Nusrat Khan, an Afghan man who was once Guantnamos oldest detainee. THOMAS WAYNE 2021-203953 8/31/2021 BAGNUOLO, BRANDON MICHAEL 2020-198448 12/8/2020 . According to Pentagon statistics seen by Newsweek, there are currently 39 inmates still detained at the prison, most of which have never been. Guantanamo Bay News: Latest Guantanamo Bay News and Updates at News18 Didnt sell his soul to the Devil like so many did for fame and fortune. If accurate, these secret investigations, arrests and extractions to Gitmo where they face extended detention and military justice has enormous political implications, and makes possible the release of suppressed information previously withheld by the Deep State. On a lightly floured surface, roll each pastry sheet into a 12-in. Claimed to be over one hundred years old. Guantanamo detainees known to have been released, Al Balushi, Salah Abdul Rasul Ali Abdul Rahman, Al Hameydani, Khalid Bin Abdullah Mishal Thamer, Al Tamini, Abd Al Razzaq Abdallah Ibrahim, Jarabh, Saeed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullab Sarem, A Profile of 517 Detainees through Analysis of Department of Defense Data, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Articles with dead external links from October 2010, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, Articles with obsolete information from July 2010, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2005, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2008, People held at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism, Al Hanashi, Mohammad Ahmed Abdullah Saleh, Al Kandari, Abdullah kamel bin Abdullah Kamal, Al Zarnuki, Mohammed Ali Salem Al Zarnuki,, Guantnamo: The Definitive Prisoner List (Part 1), Names of the Detained in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, Associated Press Guantnamo Detainee Court Documents Archive, 'List of detainees who went through complete CSRT process' (PDF, scanned), 'Official Pentagon List of Detainees' (Text version of DoD list), US to release partial list of Guantnamo detainees, Official list of all Guantanamo detainees, The Guantanamo Docket - Zainulabidin Merozhev, forty Pakistanis still at Guantnamo, some may be freed, Ex-Guantanamo Spaniard cleared by supreme court, Guantanamo -- A Holding Cell In War on Terror: Prison Represents a Problem That's Tough to Get Out Of, 'Saudi detainees at Guantanamo returned to the Kingdom; names given', Factors for and against the continued detention (.pdf), Guantanamo detainees unaware of defense lawyers, "Biographies of High Value Terrorist Detainees Transferred to the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay",, 7 ex-detainees return to fighting: Guantanamo release process called imperfect, US releases three Pakistanis jailed in Guantanamo, Inmates Released from Guantanamo Tell Tales of Despair. They have that backwards you need to get rid of the troublemakers FIRST in order to be ABLE to fix the mess they made ! The entry for David Hicks of Australia, the first man convicted at a military commission, includes coverage from 2015, when his conviction was overturned. The Bush administration, which opened the detention center in 2002, sent away about 540 of the 780 detainees in the docket, and their trail is harder to follow. Hey Steve, putting this kind of stuff out doesnt serve any point. cant seem to find any listsno links to lists, Where do we find the lists that you are referencing in your posts please? any answers? Makes me sad and angry. Constructed in stages starting in 2002, the Guantnamo Bay detention camp (often called Gitmo, which is also a name for the naval base) was used to house Muslim militants and suspected terrorists captured by U.S. forces in . Beyonce can get ugly pictures off YouTube, so she is okay with this ugly message! What they can do with CGI propganda news my kids thinks i am crazy warning my kids trudeau bad for canada ,people starting to rise up. I seriously am sickened by every word he says and Kamala or Pelosi says. H5N1 Human Bird Flu Explained By Dr. John Campbell Following Cambodia Case ~ March 4, 2023, POPE FRANCIS VISITS AFRICA ~ March 4, 2023, RT News March 3 2023 (20:00 MSK) ~ March 4, 2023, Separating Fact From Fiction on Fox News/Dominion Lawsuit. Middle row: Sufyian Barhoumi (now freed), Tawfiq al-Bihani, Saifullah Paracha (now freed), Hassan Bin Attash. Carol Rosenberg is the only journalist devoted full time to covering the U.S. naval base at Guantnamo Bay, including detention operations and military commissions. Youll also find the files of the men who died there, and an emerging category of those who have died since their release. Thank you for all the news, many people need to have an open mind to get past a lot thats been going on, Ive done some research of my own on the DW and seeing things that actually go on cant be compared to a horror movie, for the names that have been arrested and executed I do believe it, because if you look at them now you can definitely tell there is a huge difference. Some fly a flag simply because theyre proud to be part of something not anything else. When the U.S. military realized how young they were, they moved them from the adult detainees housed in Camp Delta to a reform-school style detention site called Camp Iguana. Who knowswe arent invited. Military Tribunals at GITMO: A Partial List of Those Believed Named in Just saw episode on Charlie ward show. Others use a single drug. Political poison: What's going on in Guantanamo Bay? dont make statements or give opinions.if Trump is of the cabal give facts!!! Names of the Detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - The Washington Post If its been reported on our local news networks and the msm are reporting that there has been a large number of covid scamdemic deaths, then wouldnt there be a equal amount of obituaries or death notices reported & listed in the local newspapers? If the local news media has reported that last week there was 50 or whatever # of local residents who have from covid, well then in the local newspaper notice of obituaries, there should be close to 50 names listed for covid deaths and then an additional amount of obituaries for the Non Covid deaths, Please watch the Deep Fakes video on Rumble. gitmo inmate list 2021. overripe kiwi alcohol; atlantic automotive group; gitmo inmate list 2021; iowa total care dental providers; driver portal ecph; rock and roll hall of fame inductees 2022 No Comments; June 4, 2021 Steve is just a deep state moron/troll. Would you know any politician over here that is going to GITMO in the near future? Where is the frozen asset money of these people going?
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