Create Converter object to convert DOC document. Word to Clean HTML is a free converter tool for documents produced by Microsoft Word and similar office software. document.title = "Web Code Converter" i.title="Demo" Why does HTML think chucknorris is a color? Whether you want to build your own home theater or just learn more about TVs, displays, projectors, and more, we've got you covered. // } Drop files here. re1 = new RegExp("<(meta|link|xml|/?xml|object|/?object|/?w:|/?o:|/?v:|/?style|/?div|/?st\d|/?title|/?head|/?html|body|/?body|/?span|!\)[^>]*?>", "g"); ''+ r6 = r5.split(re3); if (str == "" || str==null) //document.editor.code.value=el Any thoughts on that? Specify watermark properties (color, width, text, image etc) el += i +" "+document.editor.elements[i].name+"\n" function do_Python() { if([i] && fontSizArray[i] !=fontSizArray[6]) {sz=fontSizArray[j];} document.cookie = curCookie; window.onresize = fixMe; using OpenXmlPowerTools; using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing; byte [] byteArray = File.ReadAllBytes (DocxFilePath); using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream . Convert HTML to Markdown. By Abexsoft. } } else { var bulkval = document.editor.temp.value Aspose Cloud provides a powerful document conversion PHP library, designed to convert Word documents in PHP to and from Word-based formats, and also supports documents in various OpenOffice formats, E-Mail formats, PDF, HTML, Markdown, Postscript, XAML and plain text. //document.title=str Looking for money-saving deals on Microsoft Office products? '