It's hard to make a judgement about Hall's motivation based on just two cases of snitching, but it's possible he was simply trying to discredit former members of the organization. Still no evidence could be found of a "California State Marshal Association", or any close variation on the name, ever having been registered. American Horror Story's Double Feature plotline delved deep into UFO lore in its tale of a dark deal between President Eisenhower and a race of beings from outer space. , FBI. 1.2.3 (12350) . The door of the craft slowly opened. Lastly, we will also say that Valiant Thor was not his real name but his name is of no importance. California has no state marshals. In 1959, Stranges said he met a woman from the Pentagon who introduced him to Valiant Thor. Written just after his escape from the Pentagon, Thor speaks directly to today's 21st-century spiritual searcher. Login. Stranges was a traveling Christian evangelist who also wrote books about UFOs and gave lectures at UFO meetings. Val Thor Notebook . Mens Fjallraven convertible jacket-to-vest. Hall seems to have been something of a snitch, as the FBI Vault documents on NICAP include at least one other case in which he wrote to the Bureau advising them of petty crimes of one sort or another committed by other former NICAP members. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, it is included in the monthly subscription. The roots of the character lie in books like Stranges', but the show moves him in its own direction in order to make him work with the plethora of other urban legends that constitute the current storyline. Last Updated September 3, 2017. "Valiant Thor: Your Friendly Pentagon Alien." , Colavito, J. He stopped to wait for the police to arrive. Today we're going to open the book of great legends from the realm of UFOlogy, and turn to the story on Valiant Thor, a benevolent Venusian who lived among us for three years in the late 1950s. Fern, who cut his teeth on American Horror Story playing the Antichrist in Apocalypse, brings the requisite poisonous charm to the part. American Horror Story imagines the figure as a liaison between humanity and the aliens Eisenhower has signed a deal with. Earlier, retired Air Force photographer August Roberts took images of three beings at contactee Howard Menger's home, whom he believed were "space people," including Valiant Thor, who was said to have no palm prints. Become Thor, the God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game based on Marvel's Thor: The Dark World . Keep compassion and love in your hearts for your friends, family, neighbors and all Life. How to Extract Adrenochrome from Children, Why You Needn't Worry About the Missing 411. In 2015, it won a Remi Award at the Worldfest Houston International Film Festival for Best Sci-Fi Short. In Stranger at the Pentagon, he wrote that he was concluding a sermon one day when a mysterious woman showed up and invited him to the Pentagon. Did he survived? Stranges described a divine being named Valiant Thor who allegedly came to Earth from Venus with a mission to help eliminate disease and poverty, and extend people's lives. Season 10, Episode 9, "Blue Moon" goes deeper than ever, including references to a number of well-known urban legends, such as Area 51 and the appearance of "Greys" with enlarged heads and giant black eyes. According to the 2001 book Stranger at the Pentagon by Dr. Frank E. Stranges, on March 16, 1957, a person identifying themselves as "Valiant Thor" came forward claiming to be a visitor from the planet Venus. NOTE: This game requires 1.6 GB of free storage . Valiant Thor Fan Club. His brain capacity is 300 cm3 and claimed to have an IQ of 1200, although at anything over 200 loses definite meaning. There are several unaccredited universities with similar names overseas, but none of them offer Ph.Ds at all. Adam Milat-Meyer, 22 Nov. 2013. His facial features seem exaggerated and cartoonish.. Also there is distortion in the picture, which means that everything in the middle becomes relatively smaller compared with the things near the edges There will likely be more to learn about Valiant Thor in the AHS: Double Feature season finale, and whatever the show reveals about him will undoubtedly have more than the writer's imagination to back it up. Local emergency services will be asked to prepare to meet the needs of their local community as much as possible. So, we repeat, Valiant Thor was a human from a planet in a distant galaxy who tried to stop the arms race that was and is taking place on Earth and proposed a different way of living. Web. Size Med but fits like a large so im listing as both a M and a L but there is only 1 jacket. In the book's postscript, Dr. Stranges delivers an apocalyptic warning based on his interpretation of the Book of Joel, claiming that nuclear weapon use is just one type of disaster that signals the coming end times. Under NESARA, which has already been signed into US law, and upon its enactment, the US has 120 days to hold a new election, electing a president and vice president and all senators, representatives, and other elected federal offices. Probs not. 2019. Trending. In Dr. Stranges's account of the meeting with Valiant Thor, the extraterrestrial messenger offers a message very much in line with Stranges's evangelical beliefs. The agreement deals with the return to the people of Earth of their freedom and sets in motion the removal and replacement of enslavement systems. Declassified FBI document suggests beings from other dimensions have visited earth. Valiant Thor: The Stranger from Venus at the Pentagon, a documentary movie is available to stream now. FS: You won't see it, because it's heavy gravel. This alien supposedly had one giant lung, blood vessels much bigger than ours, blood similar to an octopus along with a much higher IQ and longer lifespan. Disclaimer:All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. In the opening pages ofStranger at the Pentagon, Dr. Stranges shares a report from Harley Andrew Byrd, a man claiming to have worked in a "high-security position" at the Pentagon that was involved with Project Blue Book, the USAir Force's program to investigate UFOs, According to Dr. Stranges, one night in "mid-March," Byrd's department received a police report about an"alien visitor" that had been picked up in Virginia. Want to Read. I can't wait to hear what the other members think. 2019. Valiant Thor appears in the new episode of American Horror Story. Famous Venusian thinker and time traveler, Valiant Thor (also known as the "Stranger at the Pentagon"), discusses the best way to contact Space People like himself. During Byrd's account of the Valiant Thor meeting, the alien emissary describes what life is like on Venus. Jason Colavito, 8 Jul. We will provide additional information as events unfold. We're going on a hell of a ride. SUPPORT THE WHY FILES (Fun, Free Perks! He appears to be an artificial creation of some kind, even opening the top of his head to reveal alien technology working beneath it. Add The Paranoia Channel. At home, he is a member of the Council-12. He said that the US authorities signed the Grenada Agreement with the aliens in 1954. Their report back stated: Dr. Stranges is an evangelist. The two became fast friends and spent much time together, during which Stranges learned Val's whole story. So who is Valiant Thor, and how does he fit into urban lore? After that, Thor got very angry. The final point I'd like to make is one that carries, I think, a lot of weight. 4 Mar 2023. The book Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank Stranges, in support of Harley Andrew Byrd, gives a UFO account of Thor being a Venusian. Just think, if Valiant Thor was said to be 500 years old back in 1960 when Stranges met him and he looked to be about 40, then he would roughly be around 550 years old now, still the chronological equivalent of a middle-aged man. First, they saw an alien ship that slowly landed in a field near the city of Alexandria, Virginia. Schneider showed photos of the alien in his lectures to look more convincing. The US midterm elections scheduled for November 7th will be cancelled/postponed until they can be held using the new Quantum electoral system and reflecting changes in the United States federal government. Thor's precise nature on the show is unknown, though he is not a possessed human being, which has been the aliens' preferred means of communication thus far. Setkal se s prezidentem Eisenhowerem a tak s tehdejm viceprezidentem Richardem Nixonem, aby ped nm varoval. , 2023 Skeptoid Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Valiant Thor warned the USleaders that continuing the Cold War and building up the country's nuclear arsenal would create an economic imbalance around the world. However, of the charge that he'd been impersonating an FBI agent, they found: During the investigation no one was located who had actually heard Dr. Stranges make any such allegation although it was generally conceded that he had left a number of people with such an impression. Prvn zmnka o Valiant Thor se objevila v knize Stranger in the Pentagon" od Dr. Franka Strange, kter byla tenm . Thor could take apart the structure of his body at the molecular level and assemble it elsewhere. The giant claw: Mount Owens terrifying discovery. Valiant Thor has no belly button nor fingerprints. The author's claims are highly dubious and easily debunked, but like other urban legends, bits and pieces of it can be found floating through fictional retakes. 8 May. All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. The subject of your email entry should be: Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure, Must be in text format Proper Grammar No foul language Your signature/name/username at the top. Book Division, 1967. Required fields are marked *. After the meeting, the extraterrestrial reportedly spent the evening in an Army receptionist's office at the Pentagon. Sci-Fi B-movies of alien invasions and little green men from Mars permeated the public consciousness. Who was Valiant Thor? TA: So is there a depression there, sort of like a crop circle depression? edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason Starting October 30th, during the transition period, the US (and some other countries) will be under martial law. , Collins, C. "Lost UFO Films: Socorro and Frank Stranges." The picture he presented was dated 1943, and the Pentagon only found out about Valiant Thor in 1957. BD. The story of Valiant Thor did not exist until 1967, when it was revealed to the world in the book Stranger at the Pentagon by the Rev. Thor said he came from a race of Venusians that lived within the planet itself, not on its surface. These photos are widely available online, but other than the photographer's name being given as August C. Robert, I was able to find no information about them whatsoever. Valiant Thor on the far right (via Para.Wiki). edit on Become Thor, the mighty God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game! Download 2033. Outwardly, the alien was not much different from humans, except that he had six fingers on his hands. It helps to find solutions to their problems. Skeptoid Podcast. He was even called the UFO witness. Source: Rumor Mill News | By Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail] Date: Saturday, 15-Oct-2022 19:47:08. One of the strangest accounts of a UFO-related incident occurred in 1957. To help detox heavy metals and toxins from chemtrails and other exposure, we recommend taking Touchstone Essentials liquid zeolite products. Really, even if it was just a comment at the end of the movie, tell us what happened! About us | Our programming | Become a supporter | Privacy. Ostatnia Wersja. The consequences will be faced on the planet or off the planet. In fact, he was a being from a distant star system, outside of our galaxy, where a similar experiment to that made on earth was effected. Below is the is the alleged exchange in dialogue, given by Stranges:[2][3]. This unique edition features a newly updated introduction by Valiant Thor, an epilogue by Dr. Ogden Pearl, a note from editor Andy Colvin, and two inspiring interviews with Dr. Frank E. Stranges (Thor's contact on Earth), which shed urgent, much-needed light on riddles such as: UFO abductions, manmade saucers, "alien" healing, antigravity, the Stranges' Stranger at the Pentagon was, like so many other parts of his life, pure fiction. No More Secrets - Teach Your Children To Tell On Pervs. This Graphic Drag Show Is Made For Babies & Toddlers. He met with President Eisenhower, as well as the vice-president at the time, Richard Nixon, to warn something. One listener wrote: [Harley Byrd] talks nonsense, makes all manner of bizarre claims about greys, sasquatch, Aryans, and other alien types, and assiduously commercializes the whole for profit Harley Byrd is actually a huckster [who] merely poses as Byrd's grandson to sell these bogus diaries. Valiant Thor was first introduced by Dr. Frank Stranges in his 1968 book, Stranger at the Pentagon. National Investigations Committee on Unidentified Flying Objects, 4 Aug. 2004. Valiant Thor assures Stranges that the people of Venus see the Judaeo-Christian God and Jesus Christ as the primary deities in the universe. He reveals a piece of the aliens' long promised technology a device deliberately similar to modern phones and mobile devices as well as mitigating the shock and horror of national leadership at the grotesque results of their efforts. Cancel at any time: In it, Valiant Thor was supposedly from Venus. Join renowned thinker Valiant Thor (whose life has been the subject of many books and films such as "The Stranger at the Pentagon") as he examines the symbols of the Great Pyramid at Giza through story, metaphor, and direct teaching, revealing how they might help us in today's world. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. Even now, the replacements of those people in power have much the same point of view and would reject any similar advice for love, togetherness and peace. In 2010 the FBI published to their Vault website the response to a Freedom of Information Act request for their file on NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena), an association of UFO enthusiasts. The appearance of a new character named Valiant Thor, played by series regular Cody Fern, may look like a random part of the show's signature weirdness, but in fact he's a well-established piece of UFO history. Rev. Watch in SD. Some believe this benevolent alien from Venus lived and advised at the Pentagon for three years. The story was published in Stranges' book and went on to become firmly entrenched in UFO lore as one of the most completely bizarre accounts on record, going on to be much . Volume 1 - 1st printing. In the latter half, director and producer of the Watchers catalog of DVDs, Richard Shaw discussed a series of unlikely coincidences which led him to such people as Rabbi Glazerson and Professor Eliyahu Rips who are part of the core team that discovered the secrets of the Torah Codes. Indistinguible a simple vista. My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). Stranges." Web. Your email address will not be published. Written by John Allison. Please email us at [] and well forward your email to the author. Intelligence and love direct the universe, and are always "at your service," to lift you upward into a healthier, happier, and higher "Venusian" vibration. Rendlesham Forest 1980 Pt II - Will There Be An Answer? For the next three years he lived inside the Pentagon working with top scientists and government officials. 2016. Adapted by Joe Caramagna.Art by Antonello Dalena, Emilio Urbana, and Marco Forcelloni. On October 30th at midnight EST, a 10-14 day period with no communications systems will begin. given). Representatives of other worlds often turn to him for help. Su nombre era Valiant Thor y su apariencia era exacta a la de los seres humanos. But according to some sources, traces of torture were found on Phils body. 1.2.3 (12350) Aktualizuj. Are we all alone in the universe? Version. Elena Danaan said earlier that the Galactic Federation of Light and Intergalactic Confederation are working together to carry out their operations. Valiant Thor, l'Extraterrestre qui a secrtement travaill pour le Gouvernement US ? More info is in this corrections episode. Aklama Eski versiyonlar Aksiyon. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. This alien The existence of the torus shaped alien ship is confirmed by the footage shown in 1995 by UFO researcher Phil Schneider. I mean, what happened after? Take time to be still and step inside to connect with your higher self and inner guidance. Externally Val appears human, albeit with six fingers and six toes. Those of you who looked forward to these events are called upon to assist those who may find this information new and surprising. They've been keeping a close eye on us since we used . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. His IQ level was 1200 points, which is hundreds of times higher than the average persons level of intelligence. This page was last edited on 21 June 2019, at 05:53. Winner of Best Sci-Fi Short Film at the Burbank International Film Festival in 2014. Reklam. Thor has come to lend aid to humanity, only the military industrial complex and the shadow government want his advanced technology and will use any means to get it. The Pentagon staff tried to find out more information about alien civilizations from Thor in various ways, but they could not achieve their goal. This incident is just one example of a UFOsighting researched by Dr. Stranges, a UFOexpert and conspiracy theorist who started the "National Investigations Committee on UFOs" in 1964. The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of, U.S. Treasury will Testify to House Committee about Biden Family Suspicious Wire Transfers, Election Conspiracies Fuel Dispute Over Voter Fraud System, Biden Admin Makes Stunning Admission On Climate Agenda In Leaked Internal Memo, The Nefarious Purpose Of Fact-Checking And 'Dis-Information' Debunking, FOIA Request Looks Into Biden Administration Using 3rd Party Grants To Push Online Censorship, Jeremy Boreing Launches New Chocolate Company In Response To Hershey's Woke Trans stunt, Ford wants cars to lock out drivers who are late on car payments, Ukraine is running low on ammo. Thor was said to meet with Pres. According to the 2001 bookStranger at the Pentagonby Dr. Frank E. Stranges, on March 16, 1957, a personidentifying themselves as "Valiant Thor" came forward claiming to be a visitor from the planet Venus. wondering if there is any way to confirm if any of the guys in the background are the nuclear scientist of those days as Phil claims in the video at Dunning, B. "A Tribute to Dr. Frank E. Thor used telepathy to communicate with the commander of the US Navy. Valiant Thor. I don't mind that is a super low budget movie with bad acting and low tech special effects because the important is the message of a true story and get it, I'm ok with that but it ends in the middle of the action! Science fiction fans among will you immediately recognize this as the plot of the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. 1st printing. In mid March of 1957 in Alexandria, Virginia, a policeman witnessed a UFO landing in a field. "Review of Ancient Aliens S11E08 The Mysterious Nine." Based on his background, numerous addresses and organizations which he has had and the fact that he claims to have talked to an individual from the planet Venus, it appears that he may also be something of a confidence man. Dr. Michael Wolf 15:00 Frank Stranges Stranger At The Pentagon Venusian Valiant Thor Alien Encounters Documentary 1 Coty Shane 15:00 Frank Stranges Stranger At The Pentagon Venusian Valiant Thor Alien Encounters Documentary 4 Odin Enoch 6:02 Valiant Thor arrived on planet Earth on March 15, 1957. Valiant Thor arrived on planet Earth on March 15, 1957. The film, we have learned, was produced by "Dr." Frank. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light. Supernatural with Ashley Flowers. He easily bypassed it, using only telekinesis. Antonello Dalena, Emilio Urbana, and Marco Forcelloni. Stranges." Universal envoy Valiant Thor meets with President Eisenhower in 1957 and is put on VIP status for 3 years. frank's hunky venusian was valiant thor, a name that shares the same inhuman, procedurally-generated quality as john keel's "indrid cold" or popular millennial housepaint color "agreeable gray." according to frank, thor was six feet tall, 185 lbs, had six fingers on each hand, an oversized heart, one giant lung, copper oxide blood like an . (If youre not receiving the newsletter after subscribing or you are having issues, please send an email The official cause of death is suicide. InStranger at the Pentagon, Stranges reveals Valiant Thor's reason for approaching the American president. Here are odd details from the very strange story of Valiant Thor, the man who claimed to be from Venus. [1], The policeman took Thor to the Pentagon where he eventually spoke with Eisenhower, the Secretary of Defense, and other joint chiefs. Advertentie. Strange, Thor was about 180 cm tall and about 85 kg in weight. He even claimed to have personally met a visitor from Venus who worked for the US government. Dr. Frank Stranges wasn't just a self-proclaimed UFOexpert and private investigator - he was also an evangelical Christian minister, and the different areas of his life often overlapped. And, in a weird sort of way, it worked. Who was Valiant Thor the stranger in the Pentagon? In July 2016, filmmaker Craig Campobasso appeared on The History Channel's Ancient Aliens. That, in Stranges' story, Valiant Thor both sounds and looks like actor Michael Rennie's alien character, Klaatu, in the 1951 sci-fi movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still, has quite naturally led many to believe that Stranges made up the whole, controversial saga. It is ordinary people that will affect change, not the leaders. He stems from a long history of urban legends. His blood vessels are larger and carry hemocyanin-based blood. Val Thor, on behalf of the Intergalactic Confederation. In his later years he began also claiming a Ph.D in Criminology from the National Institute of Criminology in Washington, D.C., but there is no such institution. See production, box office & company info. A case, maybe, of Hollywood inspiration. Become Thor, the God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game based on Marvel's Thor: The Dark World theatrical film! Eisenhower in 1957, who put him on a VIP status, so that he could live at the Pentagon for a three-year period in order to work on implementing his plan. Schneider claimed that he was one of those who managed to survive the shootout with the aliens. Action Adventure Animation Biography Comedy Crime Documentary Drama Family Fantasy History Horror Music Mystery Romance Sci-Fi Short Sport Thriller War Western . Definitive stories vary, like many urban legends, but the basic assertions come from a book called The Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank E. Stranges. Please pray for Peace, Harmony, goodwill among all people and all life on Earth, prosperity and an abundance of Gods supply of all good things. Campobasso, who also wrote and produced "Stranger at the Pentagon" based it upon the popular UFO book of the same name written by Frank Stranges in 1967. Kat Anonup Update(s): Q The Storm Rider and Juan O Savin, the Rocks and Roths are on the Rocks and the Best is Truly Biden, Harris, Milley Charged with Treason, Tribunals at White House, Mass Arrests, Martial Law, Day 1 of Clintons Military Tribunal at GITMO, Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 1, 2021, Video Transcript: Romana Didulo, Sovereign Head of State of the Republic of Canada || Kat, (Reader: timjoebob) Carrots, Donkeys, and 3 Rabbit Holes. (Cassidy Interview 3. When he went on Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM radio show in 1995 it went south very quickly. The. In the decade between the time he says he met Val and the time he published Stranger at the Pentagon, Frank Stranges published at least two other books about UFOs: Flying Saucerama in 1959 and New Flying Saucerama in 1966, plus he produced at least two documentary films about UFOs: Strange Sightings in 1964, plus Phenomena 7.7 we already mentioned. At this time, Stranges claims he had just returned from meeting Fidel Castro in Cuba,and he wasthendelivering scientific lectures and speaking at churches. BD. Send a photo of you/family/friends watching TWF, wearing TWF gear, using TWF merchandise: THE PODCAST VERSION TWF on SOCIAL (in order of importance) BETTER CHANNELS TO WATCH: \u0026 LINKSRead \"Stranger at the Pentagon\" for free: \"Stranger at the Pentagon\": Byrd's family tree: BY:Daniel Van AukenTHANK YOU MODS:Daniel_Van_AukenDiamond Dustjengen13OriginalJimpratty505VictoriaYTHANK YOU PATRONS:73chn05h4m4nA MAaron KinneyAaron Corkumahad memonAJ GentileAlan MeiAlex DuquetteAll Canadian Reptile GirlAlyKatAndrew ProvoAndy UKArin RohrerAudra NeurauterbalcobullsBeefaroni_the_BeefaholicBen McInvaleBill BrowerBonnie CostaBrains IronicallyBrian NessC.D.
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