The Pluto struggle with the ego and power will engage with the partners planetsin a positive way, the partner can become a guide. My takeaway is that the two people involved would think the relationship was hidden (and something for just them) but its not really because of the nature of the Asc Conjunctions. Only his Juipter is in the 12th, I have no planets there but also we both also have ceres and lilith in the 12th. Sun/Uranus conjunct in the 1st. Thank you for reading and I hope this story helps reveal more about the 12th house in composites. I think the fact that were both artists gave this aspect an outlet. Black Moon Lilith in 12th house suggests an interest in the occult and esoteric teachings. Your article is amazing! Obviously, I thought this man was my soulmate. Subconciously I always looked at him for a few seconds like a magnet but did not put any thought to it. I do all these within a synastry consulation. Well, his descendant point, and his ascendant ruler both conjunct my natal Lilith in my12 th house, orb2. Though many of the things you have said have been true, and there are challenges, I know we are committed to knowing each other and spending this precious time together. But on the whole the midpoint chart is a chart about the essence and purpose of a relationship and the Davison chart is more about the external realities of a relationship. If I did not believe in Karma or Fate now I do not have ANY DOUBT that really something runs our life from out there for good or bad Romantic Conjunctions in the 12th House. the davison chart also has our moon, venus, saturn and uranus in the 1st. Sadly, our Moon is square to Uranus and I suspect this might be one influence behind her decision to break off all contact with me. In the composite only our venus and moon are conjunct in the 12th. thanks you very much Dawn to shed some lights on this! In a negative way, the struggles within the partnership will cause the Pluto person to see where his or her behaviour needs adjusting. The 12th house is the house of the hidden, the subconscious, spirituality, karma, and as the last house, it governs endings. Because thats what it feels like! We are ignoring what the Source is asking us to do. I love him more than Ive ever loved any man I knew immediately. I cannot be happy with him (I feel happy but it doesnt last any longer) or without him. All that subconscious provoking of each other is very much a full time job and its preventing me from being successful in life and meeting a man that can offer the support i need to really fly. Any insight you may have would be extremely helpful, I am having difficulty understanding this 12th house energy. clearly the 1st has the most planets, but you said the sun was the essence of the chart,its in scorpio in the 12 house. One thing Ive noticed with these people is that other people usually notice their . Those with this placement can benefit significantly from learning how to . 12th house issues are not always supportive. We have an interesting stellium in the 6th Uranus, Eros, Ceres, and Vertex all within a degree of each other. Eventually, we learn that life is not as random as we thought, but full of purpose and meaning. Looking forward to taking more classes with you in the future. In synastry, the house the Moon is in will show the area of life that someone touches another on a deep and personal level. It depends on your Venus ' condition. Overall, this is considered a favorable Lilith placement, as it is . @ more very amazing thing IF this is still not enough proof: My Moon and Mars conjucts his North Node (fairly tight 2-3 degrees conjuction) His NOrth Node conjucts His own Pluto (good old Pluto might just kill me with his north node conjuction (i wonder if that is the plan here?) The person with the most crowded 12th house in history is Ann Margret, a Swedish born actor best known for her iconic Easy Rider bike scene and starring in Viva Los Vegas alongside Elvis Presley. Thank you very much for the answer. I am 38 years old and have a Scorpio 12th house stellium (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune) so I am painfully, and blissfully, intimately aware of this energy. I dont have enough information, but the chart emphasis leads me to believe that you are right in your analysis, that the partnership finds its life in the upper houses. So sad! We are still friends and well always love each other. But thank you for helping me face reality. I cannot really make that happen now I dont know why but Im still thinking that he is my faith or not, everything is very confused. I am not an expert but this artical ssure proves the writer of it right! The Moon squares Mercury and Venus in the 9th, Pluto and Saturn in the 3rd, and squares the MC. We challenge each other to be the best versions of ourselves. I was immediately flooded with emotion- I realized all at once how intensely close to him I was and needed to know if he was ok, etc. .why is neptune conjunct sun so bad in composite? Sometimes learning from the mistakes IS the path. They might not be opposed to using under-handed tactics in order to receive information or get what they desire. Chiron. cheers:). Thank You so much for Your answer! As Jeff Buckley puts it, hes a tear that hangs inside my soul forever. Any insights you may have would be greatly appreciated! Saturn and Pluto also play their part. *And in Synastry- My Chiron RIsing (asc in Taurus) sits in his 12th house) It has been a very long journey! We also have composite venus in the 12th house. But my heart and mind keep telling me to fight again. Of course, this can lead to overspending and a tendency to overvalue anything that is overindulgent and impractical, but the positive energy Jupiter brings will generally get you through it. You may keep your feelings for each other to yourselves, not feeling safe expressing them for whatever reason. do you have any clue of what this means or should i just ignore it? We feel that very beautiful in our life! I am surprised I did not find it and comment earlier, as I am still haunted by the same relationship 2 years after it ended. (We also have some 4th and 8th house synastry with me as the planet person, and 3 planets in the composite 4th). what can we do here? Here Black Moon Lilith is squaring both Venus/Mars (12th house) and the Moon (6th house) - both the most difficult houses in the composite chart, indicating an unequal partnership. In order to respect this aspect, we need to have reverence for all the cycles of life, not just the upswing. The Davison chart is a time/space chart and is anchored in the here and now. Aspects to composite planets will fill in the details. I live in a kind of constant daydream /illusion of being near my beloved ghost I know this is not truth , but I dont know how I could do without. They are the lilith wearing an "eve mask". I dont quite know what it all means but I like what you wrote here and will keep it in mind for future reference: [Couples with a heavy 12th house/ 6th house polarity have to find a way to put their wisdom to some practical use. When Saturn is conjunct the North Node it can be particularly ruthless in pursuing its goals. One is more transpersonal and numinous, the other deals with our reactions in the day to day world. On the one hand We are meant to be on the other, But if we are, why is it so hard?, When a couple has planets, or an important planet, in the 12th, it can go a couple of ways. Long story short it really bothered me that I can not tell him how I really feel about him because we are both ironically attending church but I felt that he really likes me as well. One thing is certain, and that is planets in the 12th house dont behave like any other. I often was a bit too demanding of her when it comes to intimacy and I wonder if this is about me learning to let go. Have you any thoughts or words to share on the 12th house commonalities we have individually, and what impact it lends to us as a couple? Sometimes the path isnt easy to find, and we make lots of mistakes along the way. Please can someone find me some positive end result here because I have not too much hope after reading that article aboyt the 12 house and I am going insane because I can not really tell anyone what is going on in my life> (husband, kids or even him)I do not want to hurt anybodys life but that means I have to give up my love which is just to hurtful to do! I dont want to lose this relationship too so I would like to help me to find out the karmic lesson. So I had to find an answer without destroying so many other lives or breaking up relationships. This is brilliant and compassionate. With a lot of respect for all of your work and wishing you all the best. Dont worry, Evelyne. When the transit Moon is in the composite 12th house, you may want some alone time together, wanting to share feelings but only when alone and no one else is around. Dear Dawn, I just see now, that accidentally I typed wrong Your name! How ironic! Loving and letting go, as well as maturing your love into a transcendant form of love where you are able to love so deeply that you give it the potential to annihilate you, yet you learn to let go and allow the natural changes in the state of our being has been a reoccurring theme of my life. Entering through my dreams, plenty of astral seduction going on out there in the ethers. Great gifts are possible if that Saturn is respectedthe power of manifesting energy into form. What gives a better idea of the relationship potential, synastry or composite? Then we hurt each other. Im trying to figure it out. RUN ? We see each other regularly in our spiritual activities, and yet live on opposite coasts, and though dedicated to each other 100% as spiritual allies (and possibly more), we have no intentions of giving up our day-to-day independence. Instant connection, followed by a break up 5 days after, followed by getting back together 1 week later, on and off, on and off formally breaking up in 9 months, and yet professing how we never stopped loving each other two years after that (If you want to find someone else, if you want to marry someone else, I will not stop you, but know this. One of my longest relationships featured a Lilith-Sun/Ascendant conjunction in synastry. intresting to know why its so bad. He is my best friend but marriage to him has been so disappointing because theres not much difference between now and when I was single. great post- thank you! But, our composite chart is weird. We communicated telepathically and still do. You might have a relationship that was so intense, which left you hurting. so we find the True in each other. And you may then limit yourself for years, into oblivion. i give it much meaning because i really feel a psychic connection and a karmic fate, but again that could be just me since i have a heavy neptune but nothing in my natal 12th. With Lilith so deeply involved, this relationship has a direct bearing on your feelings about your sexual power. My life seems to cycle in and out of being able to bring that 12 house/Neptune energy into the everyday world. venus+mars, etc. I am not certain this person is a fit but yet there are alot of coincidences between us that keeps me boggled on the larger picture. Usually, life will present us with huge dilemmas that cause us to choose between the ego and the soul path. The weirdness of the 12th usually happens when one or both of the other parties has a heavy 12th influence in the natal. Any advice would be helpful. mercury and mercury conj. etc. I need all the help to understand I can get. I found composite Saturn on the 12th house, trining the composite Sun/Venus/Merc on the 8th and sextile to the Moon on the 2nd. I cant really comment without seeing the charts. we activate each others 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th and 11th houses also. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11 th , 12 th , 1 st , 2 nd , or 3 rd houses), which relate to personal concerns . In my experience, the Davison chart reveals more of the day to day reality, and the midpoint chart reveals the inner working dynamic. Its the last chance to get it right, and there will be a struggle to use this planets positive expression easily. After I read and then I re-read this was the conclusion that I am more confused than before but more peaceful and more tolerant with my fate. We go down a lot of wrong alleyways. The composite chart is probably the best known. And I read from Stephen Arroyo that it is so important to see the traditional rulers of the signs , for example in Aquarius is more important to see Saturn than Uranus. This can happen in composites of unrequited love, where one person loves another who doesnt know he or she exists. taurus venus-mars conjunction in Your opinion? Look at poor Kurt Cobain, who is the poster boy for this aspect. And youre so right, because there is something about the compo 12 th house ! (Not at all helped by the fact that his Venus is square to my Sun at exact degrees.) The same person I've had mutual 12th house synastry with has sun in 12th house composite with me. So much more needs to be considered. I would like to help you, but you would need a full analysis of the charts to know what is going on with this 12th house energy. I do use the Black Moon Lilith in my composites, but what she represents there is a whole article of its own. My sun in the 3rd is squeezed in a T-square between Saturn in Pisces, in the 6th and Pluto/Uranus in Virgo, in the 12th. should i run away from this relationship? Our composite sun is in the 7 house. I have read your response about 12th house and i really do agree with you. If the fears arent dealt with (and the fears include loss of all kinds), it can get projected and the world itself can become the enemy. If you have Lilith in the 12 th house of your chart, her themes will manifest in terms of isolation, the shadow, and limitation. It was emotional and intense, also warm and familiar at the same time. Thank You very much for Your answer and very best regards from Hungary again! This secrecy he is practising probably points to the venus-mars in composite twelfth ? We went through hell together, we loved each other, we saved each other, we saved others together, we could practically feel and read one another. It isnt bad, its difficult. Saturn in 6th or 12th house in composite chart: This is a strong healing or service oriented relationship and you will work hard together for those purposes. However, Eros in the 12th may mean a less conscious eroticism drives the relationshipwe think we know what were doing but we may not, and may be subject to desires of all kinds. however, we are very well aspected with neptune in trine and sextile to our nodes, as our sun, but our vertex is opposed and conjucted. Its more complex than just the composite positions. Talking about Fate! Lilith (M) 5 58' Leo . It shapes the relationship between two persons. I cant make a decision of whether to stay or leave without more clarity it feels like we arent done learning what we need to learn together, but staying together in this state where she doesnt desire me is agony. If you dont like how someone operates, who cares how connected you are to them?
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