As accurate as you can get, because the degree numbers of our angle placements (including the Vertex, a.k.a. The whole freaking thing a permanent what if? All rights reserved. WELP, it sounds like synastry contacts to the Anti-Vertex are almost like a shadow connection, the way that we tend to project planets in our Seventh House onto others. VERTEX IN LEO > Destiny process themes include play, validation, in finding a muse, unlocking creative potential, and relationships based on appreciation. Type in another persons birth data for Partner B. SEXTILES TO THE VERTEX ARE TRINES TO THE ANTI-VERTEX > These planets offer an opportunity to develop your higher qualities, while flexing your already developed qualities. WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR TRANSIT CHART scan houses 5-8 for VX, and see if there any planets hovering nearby. This follows for all your family members. , VERTEX IN THE HOUSES theres less info about this, and even some terribly wrong info (hint: if summaries include Vertex in the 1st-4th Houses, its garbage ), and the best intel I found was via Kim Falconers Astrology and Aptitude, which also has the full scratch on the Vertex, and every-which-way you can interpret it in the natal chart. THAT MEANS WE SHARE A DOUBLE WHAMMY BETWEEN OUR DESTINY POINTS > My Vertex conjuncts the baristas Ascendant, and his Vertex conjuncts mine, with my Chiron and his Uranus mixed in. While you're fated to develop the sign of the Vertex, help from your Anti-Vertex is just beginning to develop giving you little help from previous development. Vertumnus used this power in pursuit of Pomona, goddess of fruit, of fruition, and ripening. OKAY, SO. . RECALL THE THEME (ZODIAC SIGN) AND EXPERIENCES (HOUSE PLACEMENT) OF YOUR OWN VERTEX and evaluate the same for your synastry partners chart. Id rather take crop the experience up to a fateful encounter just meant for me, thats it. . TO ROUND IT OUT, HERE ARE A FEW SUMMARIES FOR VERTEX HOUSE PLACEMENTS >, Kim Falconer, Astrology and Aptitude: How to Become What you Are Meant to Be. When these two individuals are together, they feel like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. Your planets will be blue and on the inside, while transiting planets will be in orange and outside the wheel. . VERTEX IN CANCER > Destiny process themes include laying roots, heart-centered belonging, and relationships built on sustenance and somatic-level entwinement. VERTEX IN PISCES > Destiny process themes include mystical healing, surrendering ego-fixations, and spiritual-based relationships. But the Vertex is specifically about your destiny process. Over time, as you get older, you may be fated to experience great success professionally or with a goal. The essence of the Destiny Point is that it validates synchronicity, and by keeping it in mind with certain seasons and interactions, can help us learn via synchronicity what is meant for us, and the events and avatars that will aid our destiny process. What did you do, who were you with, what was on your mind, on your heart? With your astrology Vertex in Virgo, this may show youre fated to become detailed and hard-working. , BUT WHO AM I TO DISCOURAGE YOU, even if you only have approximate birth data, lets do this, because were all learning astrology, right? With the vertex being considered a highly karmic point I assume the house it is gives indication on the area in life this karmic point manifests in. You can share this with others, and inspire others with grand tales and gregarious words. Let me give some examples. . , And to get the full scoop on when my Vertex was activated by an eclipse (), check out this post, as well as towards the bottom of this post (where the person in my fated encounter acted like a butthead, and I realized I have Black Moon Lilith squaring my Lunar Nodes! . Does there seem to be a commitment or sacrifice in that kind of relationship? While your natal chart describes potential, transits to the Vertex coincide with actual fated encounters and interactions. Vertex Online Calculator Free Astrology Calculator. So, note any other exact aspects being formed by other planets, which you can spot by clicking the gray tab located over the chart display labelled Aspects Tables, which grids out all the aspects for you. ), but it miiight sort of feel like you have a parallel processor somewhere in your psyche. Both deal with the general concept of the Law of Attraction or drawing things to yourself from outside yourself. (Or are you just sucking their D and washing up after em?). Unlike many other astro concepts, the vertex isn't based on a planet or star, but instead an intersection point of two imaginary circles in the 466+ Math Specialists 92% Satisfaction rate But you do need to remember something fated doesnt equal positive and healthy! 'You are my fantasy' This can be as strong as when the slow transit planets are conjunct. FOR HIM, THE ECLIPSE BARISTAS CHART the themes of his destiny process involves intensity (Vertex in Scorpio ), but ascending into a vitality-driven work-life rhythm (his sixth house). , Ive updated it to include more info about what to do if you think your Vertex has been activated (ew, wth does THAT mean? read to find out! . . It looks like our plates are quite full this week. Having Chiron nearby my Vertex suggests that any and all Vertex activations will entail the similar ripping and flooding experiences that characterize our soul-wounding. You might have a feeling that something is happening, something significant, though there hasnt been any event or encounter (yet). REMEMBER, were only looking for contact from your Vertex to their chart, and vice versa. . With your astrology Vertex in Leo, this may show youre fated to become a shining light. But, likewhat if reincarnation is totally for real, and there are all these clues, these consistent little evidences that time and space are illusory, and were basically in a simulacrum where temporal culture is raging out of control, like malware in our human programming, and astrology can help us pinpoint this malware in our inner narrative, and also use the power of analogy, metaphor, and simile to dissect triggers, omens, and other stimuli as they crest upon our consciousness, all so that we might be happier and more effective in our little fate-driven crises, and able to actualize our chart potential? Gemini/Sagittarius . or basically, the fateful encounters will link you into a meta issue that is tied to you destiny process, which could be ideological (Uranus), spiritual (Neptune), or chthonic (Pluto). This post shows you how to start reading your natal chart, but youll need to come back here to find out how to look up your Vertex. My mission: teaching shy, starry-eyed witches to become the Babe with the Power with astrology how-to's, oracle Q&As, + super-cute necromancy-themed stationery. FINALLY, locate the Destiny Points, which will be labelled as Vx, for Vertex. You will have to approximate the Anti-Vertex, by looking at the sign and house opposite the Vertex (to determine if there are any connections there as well). According to some liner notes in Donna Hensens example Vertex Report: Quincunxes to the Vertex are also semi-sextiles to the Anit-Vertex. You can take care of the emotional needs of others, and have a tender approach. but, I know, youd have to just be the kind of person who documents such things. While the Vertex depends on other people (being on the relationship, fated portion of the birth chart), the sign and house placement of our Anti-Vertex speaks to what we cultivate on our own, the abilities, themes, and experiences that eventually lead into our destined moments. , ALSO, for insight into the elements + modes (super helpful for building an intuitive picture of how the themes and experiences of your planets are interrelating), check out this AstroStyle article, and compare to this one from CafeAstrology on the same topic*! SQUARES TO THE VERTEX ALSO SQUARE THE ANTI-VERTEX > These planets impede your development and the higher qualities you draw on from the Anti-Vertex. As one astrologer describes it, Vertex activations instigate a cataclysmic process, where events, meetings, and circumstances arrange themselves in such a way as to break up, dissolve, and dismantle all factors not currently aligned with your personal ascension. NOTE > This is a different chart calculator than, but still totally cool, and will automatically display the Vertex in your chart! OPPOSITIONS TO THE VERTEX CONJUNCT THE ANTI-VERTEX > Presents the path of least resistance, or confrontations with your Vertex development. Do they know what you feel destined for? A potentially game-changing candidate faces a delay. Write in a diary? I zombie-grabbed my mocha-drink-latte-thing, then scuttled back to my SUV, and went where I go for hope: astrology newsletters. . . My Vertex has been eclipse-tripped before, by the Gemini Solar Eclipse in June 2011, when I consummated a relationship with my coworker*, who eventually fathered my children and became my husband (not in that order ). PROGRESSIONS TO THE VERTEX. BUT, IF YOUR VERTEX ACTIVATION ALSO DRAGGED YOU INTO AN AMBIGUOUS-FEELING SITUATION, heres a caution. And once you confirm that this is a Vertex activation, run a little recon. From Siddhantikas article all about the Vertex: If planets square the Vertex angle, then the development of this planet is crucial to whether or not I become aware enough (and brave enough) to meet my fate. allegedly, because, we have more creative control over the planets, points, and angles on the left half of our chart, and less control over the objects on the right half of the chart (according to Steven Forrest in The Inner Sky). CONJUNCTIONS TO THE VERTEX OPPOSE THE ANTI-VERTEX > These planets help reveal where you can balance what you have (or know, believe, or do etc.) Degrees are represented by the little gray lines in between the darker black lines, inside the boxes displaying the zodiac symbols. IS. , Tumblr, EllieMaeAstrology, The Vertex: My Wish Come True. Your sensitivity can mean youre extra compassionate and understanding with others, and you may be destined to quietly take care of those who cant take care of themselves. this would mean the anti-vertex is almost always in between the 11th and 2nd houses, all of those houses which are . Succedent houses support the preceding angular houses in the natal chart: the second house of possessions supports the first house of self. A contact transit to the vertex, a conjunction, or to its opposite point, the anti-vertex, is the key that opens this gate. Instead, its all the little circumstances and events, the tiny synchronicities leading up to the fateful moment that changes everything. There are so many other factors to look for in a synastry chart in terms of compatibility (see my synastry post ), and a composite chart is where you would look for the meaning of a relationship. Others may look to you to take on responsibilities, and you can handle them better than most. TO FIND OUT WHATS TRANSITING YOUR VERTEX youll need to score a copy of a transit chart from the day you believe your Destiny Point got tripped, OR to find out if its being transited by another planet. Hear it in the first 10-15 mins of the interview and if you know of any other stories that sound like the Destiny Point plays a role, hmu! You can save the other connections for a deeper-dive later on (again, heres my synastry tutorial when youre ready ). Likehas the other person ever described to you what they feel destined for? All horoscope anglesascendant, midheaven, etc.are formed by the intersections of great circles.) But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Just when you thought Pisces season made for a wild ride, you might have to prepare for something even wilder: Mercury entering Pisces. (*Itll automatically display todays date. Both deal with carnal issues, situations dealing with deficiencies / gains, merging / un-merging, and evolved / evolving understandings of personal value and resource. Its not a physical body and is instead the point where the ecliptic and prime vertical intersect. OTHER PEOPLES PLANETS CONJUNCT YOUR VERTEX (OR ANTI-VERTEX). It was only discovered in the mid 1970s by Edward Johndro, and research seems to be lacking ever since, especially on the point opposite the Vertex, deemed the Anti-Vertex. Do You Have Empty Houses in Your Birth Chart? Might present opportunity to size up your potential, or gauge where your higher self potential actually lies, or the flimsiness of your vision for it. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11th, 12th, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd houses), which relate to personal concerns and our private worlds. To handle this you have to adjust to the differences of the two signs., HINT > This CafeAstrology summarizes the Vertex in the signs, as well as aspects to the Vertex from the planets, and for more summary-descriptions of the Vertex in the signs, compare to this one from Siddhantika! ). (Or basically, start building your own spreadsheet database! The Inner Wheel, Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex Versus the Nodes, Part Two. Discuss Natal Vertex In The 8th House In The Astrology Houses Forum. If the Vertex is the spiritual Ascendant, the anti-Vertex is the spiritual Descendant. She believes astrology is an empowering tool that everyone can use to help themselves.She affectionately calls her followers her pixies, provides daily astro tidbits on, Taurus Love & Compatibility: The Best & Worst Matches, Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 18 24, 2022. Every black line denotes 5. Mercury is Entering THIS Psychic Zodiac Sign What Does it Mean. Your Vertex wont tell you much about yourself, except maybe hint at some of your secret hopes and intentions. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 0.3%. To start with, the Vertex is linked to fate, specifically fated encounters and events. Im guessing this based on (1) that coworkers reproachfulness of late, and (2) because she showed me her natal chart hella days ago in connection to a break-up with her boyfriend/roommate, whereupon I guessed an unwise casual coupling would ensue (not out loud ) largely due to codependency markers in her chart, and the fact that she does work with a janky perv (the barista ), though I did not anticipate the coinciding impact of the eclipse , my seeing the blue flash in the baristas eyes, or him suddenly dressing like my ex-husband / Art Alexakis and instructing the other baby-baristas to spy and notify him of my cafe solicitations, but does that mean he also saw a blue flash in my eyes or is he just responding to my weird vibes and trying to shake off his clingy workplace-lover, AND IM BASICALLY STALKING EVERYONE IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD WITH ASTROLOGY, hi, Im Plutonian. Shes performed thousands of astrology readings, helped thousands of students learn astrology, has written over a dozen horoscope columns, and over 100 articles for various publications, in addition to creating The Dark Pixie Astrology. Partner As Ascendant will be on the left-hand side, where the Ascendant angle and First House are usually located on a chart. Once youve calculated your astrology Vertex, you want to know what it means! Also, important meetings with destiny. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11 th, 12 th, 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd houses), which relate to personal concerns and our private worlds. SO, we will never know what he saw (if anything) on that particular eclipse day, how it registered (if at all), or its consequences. Likeyou might be wishing for skills, talents, or gifts you sense rattling around inside, and also feel you cant access, When the Vertex is activated, that access point is unveiled. VERTEX IN TAURUS > Destiny process themes include the acquisition of beauty, splendor, and comfort, and relationships that cultivate value and artistry. , FOR DEEP-LEARNING ABOUT THE VERTEX IN SYNASTRY + TRANSITS > Check out The Vertex in Synastry and Transits Part 1 + Part 2. Though the lore hints that Vertex connections might indicate a metaphysical bond between people, maybe something that our little baby-souls pinky-sweared to prior to incarnating. Youd probably feel thunderstruck by coinciding events if an eclipse strikes your Vertex, like literally, which is how EYE felt. . ALSO, do you have any planets conjunct your Anti-Vertex, such as I? How did those impressions evolve over time, and due to what circumstances or events? Your progressed chart can also trigger with progressed planets or house cusps conjunct your natal Vertex, or with your progressed Vertex conjunct one of your natal planets. . ). You have to learn how to stand out and be comfortable with getting attention for your talents and what you can create. , Your Vertex can definitely be activated more than once! Have you ever heard of the astrology Vertex? (HINT: The Vertex placement in a composite chart can also indicate a super fated relationship, learn more here! If you share Vertex connections with someone else, it only indicates that youre co-engineering your destinies, or, at the very least, influencing each others destiny process. . Full Moons, major transits, and just getting through March oh my! ESSENTIALLY, the Vertex is epiphanous, or revelatory. QUINCUNXES TO THE VERTEX ARE SEMI-SEXTILES TO THE ANTI-VERTEX > These planets present quirky derailments where youre able to observe and develop (or kind of lean on) the qualities symbolizes by your Vertex. As an astrological point, it is connected with karma and fate, and it functions when triggered by planet transits. The more Saturn develops and the more we learn to use it constructively, the greater the possibility of Vertex experience. The Astrological Vertex is a position that some astrologers swear by, and others barely pay attention to. Changes with regards to a partner's finances may affect the native seriously. The Vertex is also referred to as the Destiny Point or Destinys Gate, because of its reputation for culminate into destiny and personal ascendency. , Also, how does the Vertex factor into a composite chart? When someone tries to touch their things and place them in other places, they tend to become anxious and uncomfortable. . Aries/Libra could indicate issues between personal will and sharing . Vertumnus was a lesser deity of the seasons, known for his ability to transform: he could change from a seed, to a root, to a trunk, a branch, a leaf, and finally, to fruit. Some suggest interpreting the antivertex as an auxiliary . Did you record the original meeting date in a journal or in an agenda? (*Click that link to learn more, but I have a tutorial about getting and reading a composite chart coming out in a couple months, subscribe to find out when it goes live! HERES A SUMMARY OF WHAT ASPECTS TO YOUR VERTEX CAN MEAN. , EVENTUALLY, AFTER TEN MONTHS OF TRYING TO START A CONVERSATION ABOUT ECLIPSES WITH HIM the barista (that fucking cunt ), announced he wouldnt serve me anymore (again, the full scoop is at the bottom of my Lilith-in-synastry tutorial, with the calendar date and exact time, if you want to peek at the transit chart ), which worked out okay, I guess, since another cafe opened up in town, and I Iearned about eclipses and the Destiny Point in astrology. This could happen natally or it could happen through a contact with another whose Saturn squares my Vertex angle. the second house in the natal chart also describes your self-esteem, value system and need for stability. The vertex is OTHER people's and life's contribution to your fate. , BE CAREFUL, because you might invest in the energy or function symbolized by that planet into someone else whos activated your Vertex. If that Astro-Seek calculator can yield specific dates when your Vertex has been activated before, get your hands on those artifacts, diaries, mixtapes, and photo albums STAT. These columns display the exact degree of your Vertex placement (mine is @ 18 Gemini) along with glyphs symbolizing the aspects formed to your Vertex by Partner Bs planets. List them one-by-one: MY VERTEX (conjunct or side-by-side) THEIR ASCENDANT IN GEMINI / MY EIGHTH HOUSE (their first house). As he called out my drink order, our eyes connected, and I saw a steely-blue flash of light. FOR YOUR REFERENCE, this CafeAstrology article displays and explains all the aspects, while this one summarizes aspects to the Vertex from other planets. The tricky one now is stepparents. Sun/Vertex: Depending on the house location of the Vertex in the natal chart, the Sun person will bring a lesson involving the area of the house it's in. , IN A TRANSIT CHART > You can cast charts for upcoming transits, estimating when (+ where) your Vertex might get tripped. Peek at your Vertex placement (the chart wont display it, so locate it by sign and degree), and see if eclipses have ever factored into your destiny process! Donna Henson, The Vertex Report: Your Personal Destiny. We internalize the experiences of the personal houses, whereas the impersonal houses are largely externalized. Vertex; FREE; Shop Bestsellers. HINT 1 > Measure the orb, or span of degrees between the Vertex, planets, angles, and any other objects involved. This post can show you a full out tutorial for scoring and reading transit charts, but if you want to grab one real quick, hit up the Astro-Seek Transit Chart Calculator, enter your birth data, select a date*, then hit calculate transits. What were the circumstances and vibe of the next interaction? These connections might tell you if someone is meant to be in your life, and how they support your ultimate destiny. With a full 6th house , sun 19 cancer conjunct lie 20 and nessus, mercury 24 cancer and moon 7 cancer . Check out: Does Your Fate Change With Your Palm Lines? ALSO, this is crucial not everyone wants or cares about synchronicity, about woo things that happen in coincidence with astronomical phenomena that might be interpreted via metaphor, analogy, and symbolism (a.k.a. You can also choose whether to see transits or transits and progressions! > Memorize the sign and degree number of your Vertex placement, and use this Astro-Seek calculator to calendar when (+ what) is due to conjunct your Destiny Point! ), WRITE OUT ITS OPPOSITE POINT > Anti-Vertex in (the opposite sign) in (the opposite house). Houses 5 and 6 are considered the last of the personal houses, whereas houses 7 and 8 are considered the first of the impersonal houses. , TO INTERPRET YOUR VERTEX, WELL BASICALLY BREAK IT DOWN INTO KEYWORDS, MAD LIBS-STYLE >.
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